Zapier integration

Zapier lets you connect ClickUp with thousands of popular apps so you can automate your workflows without using code. Use ClickUp as a trigger or an action in Zaps to link your work with other apps.

What you'll need

Set up the Zapier integration

To set up the Zapier integration:

  1. From ClickUp, open the App Center.
  2. Browse for Zapier and click Install.
  3. Create an account or sign in.
  4. Create a Zap using ClickUp as a trigger or action.

Space, Folder, and List IDs

You can use ClickUp triggers, actions, and find tasks using Zapier.

Some triggers, and actions may require you to provide the Space, Folder, or List ID.

These IDs work just like task IDs to identify a unique location in your Workspace and can be found using the ClickUp API to explore your Workspace Hierarchy.

ClickUp triggers

Triggers are used to start a Zap. The following actions in ClickUp are available as triggers:

  • When a task changes.
  • When a new task is created.
  • When a new List is created.
  • When a new Folder is created.
  • When a new time entry is created.
  • When there's a new comment on a task.
  • When there's a new reaction added to a Chat message.
  • When there's a new message sent in a Chat.
  • When a new reaction is added to a task comment.

For example, you can set up a trigger to monitor Custom Field changes in a specific location of your Workspace. You can leave the value field blank to trigger the Zap from any change to the Custom Field or set a specific Custom Field value to trigger the Zap.

Screenshot of a ClickUp Zap focusing on triggers.

ClickUp actions

When an event triggers a Zap, you can configure one or more actions in ClickUp:

Action Description
Archive or Delete Task Archive or delete a task.
Create Task

Create a new task.

When configuring the Zap, you can choose to make the task private.

Create Subtask Create a new subtask.
Create List Create a new List.
Create Folder Create a new Folder.
Create Space Create a new Space.
Create New Document Create a new Doc.
Create New Document Page Create a new Doc page.
Post a Task Comment Add a comment to a task.
Post Attachment Attach a file to a task.
New Checklist Add a checklist to a task.
Time Tracked Add tracked time to a task.
Update Task Update a task or subtask status, add or remove Tags, change Priority, update Custom Fields, and more.
Find User by Name or Email Search for a user in your Workspace by name or email address.
Find Task by Custom Fields

Search for a task in your Workspace by Custom Fields.

Find Task by ID

Search for a task in your Workspace by task ID.

Find Custom Fields

Search for Custom Fields in your Workspace.

Find Documents

Search for Docs in your Workspace.

Create a new Custom Field type

Create a new Custom Field type.

List all tasks by Custom Field

List tasks in your Workspace by Custom Field type.

Update a Custom Field value

Update a Custom Field value.

Archive or Delete Task

Archive or delete a task.

Find the most recent Task

Search for the most recent task by a Custom Field.

Find a list of all Tasks

See all tasks that match the Custom Field criteria.

Send Chat Message to Channel

Send a message to a Chat.

You can choose between regular messages and Posts.

Send Direct Message

Send a direct message to someone.

Combine a Find Task action with the Update Task action to update existing tasks in your Workspace.

Supported Custom Fields

Below are the Custom Fields types you can use in triggers and actions:

Type Description Example Criteria
Checkbox A true or false checkbox. Review required

Equal to

Is set

Is not set

Date A custom date and time (formatted like other dates in ClickUp).




1:00 pm

Greater than or equal to

Greater than

Less than or equal to

Less than

Equal to

Is not

Is set

Is not set


A series of options in a menu.
You can use up to 500 options.

Add options in bulk!





Equal to

Is not

Is not set

Is set

Email A formatted email address.


Ends with

Equal to

Starts with

Is set

Is not set

Files Upload files from your device or cloud storage services. profilepicture.png

Is not set

Is set


This Custom Field is only available for the Create a new Custom Field type action.

Make calculations between fields on a task using both simple and advanced formulas.

Budget - Cost = Profit



A flexible list of options, similar to Tags.

You can use up to 500 options.

Add options in bulk!

Customer reported bug

Internally reported bug

QA reported bug

Is (all)

Is (any)

Is not (all)

Is not (any)

Is set

Is not set



This Custom Field is only available for the Create a new Custom Field type action.

A formatted address based on Google Maps.

Use this field with Map view!

123 Main St, Hometown, CA, United States


Money A formatted amount of money in any currency.



Greater than or equal to

Greater than

Less than or equal to

Less than

Equal to

Is not

Is set

Is not set

Number A formatted numeric value. 1,234,567.89

Greater than or equal to

Greater than

Less than or equal to

Less than

Equal to

Is not

Is set

Is not set

People Pick people and Teams.

Guests will only be able to see users from Locations that have been shared with them.


Accounting team

Is (all)

Is (any)

Is not (all)

Is not (any)

Is set

Is not set



A formatted phone number with country and area codes.

Click the flag icon to set the country code for each phone number!

+1 (212) 555 1234

+61 0412 345 678


Ends with

Equal to

Starts with

Is set

Is not set

Progress (Manual) A progress bar that's manually set. 10/100

Greater than or equal to

Greater than

Less than or equal to

Less than

Equal to

Is not

Is set

Is not set

Rating Use emoji to rate items on a numeric scale. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Greater than or equal to

Greater than

Less than or equal to

Less than

Equal to

Is not

Is set

Is not set

Tasks Tasks linked together without Relationships. Task A

Is (all)

Is (any)

Is not (all)

Is not (any)

Is set

Is not set



Enter a single line of plain text.

Text Custom Fields are automatically middle-aligned.

Use ClickUp to save one day a week!


Ends with

Equal to

Starts with

Is set

Is not set

Text Area (Long text)

Enter a paragraph of plain text.

You can use rich text editing in this Custom Field.

You can turn this field into an AI Custom Field

ClickUp is the most powerful and flexible productivity and project management software on the market!


Ends with

Equal to

Starts with

Is set

Is not set

Website Capture the URL of any website.


Ends with

Equal to

Starts with

Is set

Is not set

Find tasks using Zapier

Use the Find Task action to select a task in your Workspace based on matching Custom Fields. If more than one task meets the criteria, only the most recently created task is selected.

You can use dynamic fields from the app you're integrating via Zapier as a trigger.

From the Find Task action:

  1. Select the Space, Folder, and List where your ClickUp task exists.
  2. Set the Custom Field values to filter by.
  3. Finish setting up the Zapier action.

Screenshot of a ClickUp Zap focusing on actions.

Once you've found a task, you can update it using additional actions.

Once in Zapier, Date Custom Field values are displayed as Unix/Epoc values. You can use external websites such as to convert these values to readable dates.

To update the task you found using another Zapier action:

  1. In a new action, select the Task field.
  2. Click Custom.
  3. Select the Find Task action.
  4. Select the ID field which contains the task ID.
  5. Finish setting up the Zapier action.

Screenshot of someone setting up a Zap action.

Update Custom Fields using Zapier

You can set or update Custom Fields using the following Zapier actions:

  • Create Task
  • Update Task
  • Create Subtask

You must select the Space, Folder, and List where your task lives to set or update its Custom Fields.

Screenshot of some picking a Space when setting up a Zap.

You can use dynamic fields from the app you're integrating with via Zapier as a trigger. The dynamic fields you can use vary depending on the app you're integrating with and your data meeting the Custom Field type requirements in ClickUp.

For example, you can create a Zap that populates a ClickUp Custom Field with data from a Google Sheets row.

Someone setting up a Zap using Custom Fields.

Use Zapier templates

Zapier has created templates to integrate ClickUp with several popular apps, including Google Calendar, Google Sheets, Gmail, Bitbucket, and GitLab.

Troubleshoot the Zapier integration

If you are having issues with the integration, try to disconnect and reconnect the app.

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