Intro to Sprint Dashboard cards

Sprint reporting cards are used to build custom Dashboards so you can report on and visualize your team's sprint progress. 

The new Velocity Chart, Burnup, and Burndown cards offer improved accuracy and performance enhancements. The Velocity, Burnup, and Burndown legacy cards will eventually be replaced by new Sprint cards. 

Custom Sprint Durations cannot be used with legacy Sprint Dashboard cards. If you need to use Custom Sprint Durations with Sprint reporting cards, switch to our new Sprint Velocity, Burnup, and Burndown cards.

What you'll need 

  • The Dashboards ClickApp is enabled in every new Workspace by default. A Workspace owner or admin can disable the ClickApp.
  • Sprint Cards are available on the Business Plan and above.
  • Guests can be invited to specific Dashboards with view-only permissions.

Use Sprint cards

Use Sprint cards to report on tasks in a Sprint Folder, including Tasks in Multiple Lists, Subtasks in Multiple Lists, and Nested subtasks

Sprint cards include private tasks when calculating data. Anyone who has access to the Sprint List can see the Sprint card with the data from that List.

Sprint Dashboard view

Dashboard view puts your Dashboards right next to your work. Use Dashboard view to ensure your team can easily find the data they need.  

Sprint card drill-down

Use drill-down view with Sprint Velocity ChartBurnup, and Burndown cards to see more details. Drill-down view helps you understand the tasks and effort behind the calculations.

Drill-down view does not work with the legacy Sprint Burndown, Burnup, and Velocity cards.

Sprint card types

Changes made to tasks update daily on Burndown, Burnup, Cumulative Flow, Lead time, and Cycle Time cards at 4:00 am the following day, based on your timezone settings.

Action Report

Use the Sprint Action Report to track sprint scope changes. 

Screenshot of the Sprint Action Report.

Sprint Velocity

Use Sprint Velocity cards to accurately plan your team's upcoming Sprints.

GIF showing how velocity changes over time.

Use legacy Velocity cards.

Sprint Burndown

Use Sprint Burndown cards to accurately visualize the amount of work being completed in one sprint. See at a glance if your team is on track.

GIF showing how chart data changes over time.

Use legacy Burndown cards.

Sprint Burnup 

Use Sprint Burnup cards to track scope change throughout one sprint. See at a glance if your team is at risk of not completing the sprint's estimated work. 

GIF showing how chart data changes over time.

Use legacy Burnup cards.

Cumulative Flow

Use Sprint Cumulative Flow cards to visualize your tasks' status progress over time. Different colors represent different statuses so you can identify bottlenecks as work progresses.

Screenshot of the Cumulative Flow card.

Cycle time and Lead time

Cycle time and Lead time cards calculate the average time for task completion, whether your team works in sprints or not. 

Many teams working in sprints find these cards useful:

Cycle time

Use Cycle time cards to visualize how long on average it takes a task to be completed after it's moved to an Active status.

Lead time

Use Lead time cards to visualize how long on average it takes a task to be completed after it's created.

Add or edit a Sprint card

To add a Sprint card to a Dashboard:

  1. In the Sidebar, click Dashboards to open the Dashboards Hub. Select a Dashboard.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click + Add card.
  3. From the left sidebar, select Sprints.
  4. Click on a card to add it to your Dashboard.

Customization options

Customization options vary based on card type. The following options are available for Burnup (legacy), Burndown (legacy), Velocity Chart (legacy), Cycle time, and Lead time cards:

Customization option Description

Choose a data source:

• Sprints: Choose Sprints if you are using the Sprints ClickApp to build your Sprints.

• Use Lists: Choose Lists if you manage Sprints as Lists of tasks.

• Use Custom Fields: Choose Custom Fields if you want a flexible way of managing tasks across your entire Workspace.

Time range Choose to only report on tasks from a selected period of time.
Sample period

For each point on the graph, choose how many days you want to include in the average.

This option is available in the Cycle Time and Lead Time cards

Amount of work

Choose how you'd like to measure work when reporting:

Include subtasks Choose to include subtasks in the data.
Include archived Choose to include archived tasks in the data.
Include Tasks in Multiple Lists Choose to include Tasks in Multiple Lists in the data.
Include Subtasks in Multiple Lists Choose to include Subtasks in Multiple Lists in the data.
Include active cycle

Choose to include tasks in Active statuses.

This option is available in the Cycle Time and Lead Time cards


Add additional filters to further adjust the scope of your card.

Learn how time-based cards are affected by filters.

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