Intro to Dashboards

Create a high-level look at your team's work by converting Workspace data, like task info, into a visual representation. Use Dashboards to quickly see and measure things like personal progress, your team's tracked time, and project performance. 

Dashboards availability and limits vary by plan and user role. Learn more

Use Dashboards

There are so many ways to use Dashboards to create a visual representation of work for your team and clients. 

You can also use Dashboards on our ClickUp Mobile App.

Create a Dashboard

Create a Dashboard from scratch or a template.

Create a Dashboard view

Dashboard view puts your Dashboards right next to your work. Use Dashboard view to ensure your team can easily find the data they need.  

Add a card to an existing Dashboard

Add a card to an existing Dashboard to display the information you need.

Time-based Dashboard cards

Use time-based cards to show tasks as they change over time. For example, you can show how your tasks' priority, time estimates, or Sprint points changed during a month-long project.

Access Dashboards

You can access and search for Dashboards in Dashboards Hub and Command Center.

Edit Dashboards

Rename, share, favorite, or delete Dashboards. 

Manage Dashboards from the Dashboards Hub.

View and edit modes in Dashboards

You can access Dashboards in view or edit mode. To switch between modes, enable or disable Edit mode in the upper-left corner of a Dashboard.

You won't see Edit mode in Dashboards created from a template

Screenshot showing how to enable Edit mode from the upper-left corner of a Dashboard.

View mode

While in view mode, you can refresh a Dashboard to see the most up-to-date data.

You can also expand a Dashboard or individual cards to see them in full-screen mode.

Edit mode

While in edit mode, you can edit and share Dashboards, including adding, editing, resizing, and moving cards.

Refresh a Dashboard

It's important to refresh your Dashboard to make sure that the data is current. You can enable the Auto refresh setting so you never forget. 

To enable or disable Auto refresh:

From the upper-right corner of your Dashboard, click Auto refresh

  • The Auto refresh feature must be set for each Dashboard. 

To refresh your Dashboard:

  • Hover in the upper-right corner of your Dashboard and click the Refresh icon.
  • After refreshing, hover over the Refresh icon to see the exact date and time your Dashboard was last refreshed.

Dashboards will Auto refresh every 4 hours. 

Use Dashboard filters

Filter every card in your Dashboard at once using Dashboard filters.
You can also combine Dashboard filters with individual card filters to show granular information.

Filter Dashboard cards

You can filter your Dashboard card data to report only on tasks that meet specific criteria. 

Filtering options differ by card.

Share Dashboards

You can share your Dashboards publically or with specific people in your Workspace. 

Save a Dashboard as a PDF

Export any Dashboard as a PDF for easy reporting.

Time Tracked in Dashboards

Use the Time Tracked data point to report on tasks like billing and Sprint planning. Time Tracked is available on Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Battery Chart Dashboard cards

Chart drill-down Dashboard view

Use drill-down view with Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Battery Chart Dashboard cards to see more details.

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