Sprint Cumulative Flow card (Legacy)

Use Sprint Cumulative Flow cards to see the amount of work done at each stage in your Sprints. See your task completion progress over time.

Our new Sprint Velocity cards offer improved accuracy and performance enhancements!

Custom Sprint Durations cannot be used with legacy Sprint Dashboard cards. If you need to use Custom Sprint Durations with Sprint reporting cards, switch to our new Sprint Velocity, Burnup, and Burndown cards.

What you'll need 

  • Sprint Cards are available on the Business Plan and above.
  • The Dashboards ClickApp is enabled in every new Workspace by default. A Workspace owner or admin can disable the ClickApp.
  • Guests can be invited to specific Dashboards with view-only permissions.

Create or edit a Cumulative Flow card

Cumulative Flow cards are time-based. Time-based cards display your tasks differently. Learn more about time-based cards.

Cumulative Flow cards show the amount of work done during a particular time range.

The options chosen when creating the card determine the data reported and how it displays on your Cumulative Flow Chart.

Cumulative Flow is calculated using the following values: 

  • Y-axis: Represents the progress of work in tasks from the chosen Sprint or List. Or tasks with a particular Custom Field. 
  • X-axis: Represents the time range you've selected. 

To create a Cumulative Flow card:

Create a new or open an existing Dashboard.

  • From a Dashboard, click + Add card. From the Add card modal, select Sprints, then Cumulative Flow. Configure your card settings. 
  • From the upper-left corner of an existing Dashboard, enable Edit mode. Then hover over the upper-right corner of the Dashboard and click the Settings icon. From the Edit card modal, edit your card settings.

Configure or edit the following settings:

  • Name: You can name your card or rename it later. 
  • Source: Choose to see tasks from Sprints or Lists. Or tasks from a location using one or more Custom Fields
    Tasks in this chart are broken into colors based on their current status. This allows you to identify bottlenecks as work progresses.
  • Time range: You can include data from the year, month, week, set a custom range of dates, or a rolling period between 1 and 365 days. Select a frequency by days, weeks, or months. 

    Learn more about the Time range and rolling period settings.

  • Group by: Group tasks by a status type, like Active, or by specific Custom Statuses.
  • Amount of work: Represent the amount of work using one of the following measurements:
  • Include subtasks: Include subtasks
  • Include archived: Include archived tasks.
  • Include closed: Include tasks with a closed status.
  • Include Tasks in Multiple Lists: Enabled by default. The Tasks in Multiple Lists ClickApp must be enabled and used in the chosen locations. 
  • Include Subtasks in Multiple Lists: Enabled by default. The Subtasks in Multiple Lists ClickApp must be enabled and used in the chosen locations. 
  • Click Add card to create or update the Cumulative Flow card. 
  • Filter: 
    Read our article Use Dashboard card filters to learn more.

Cumulative Flow card options

Once your card is created, you can hover over it to reveal several options in the upper-right corner. Your Dashboard must be in Edit mode to see all options. Enable Edit mode in the upper-left corner of the Dashboard.

Options include:

Card setting Description


The time since the last refresh displays. Hover over the label to display the exact refresh date and time.

Refresh card

Refresh the card's data immediately.

View in full screen

View the card in full screen.
Filters Use card filters to filter the tasks shown on your card.
Settings Open to edit the card settings.
Ellipsis ... menu

Click to display the following options:

  • Duplicate: Create a duplicate chart on the same Dashboard.
  • Show legend: Show the data being plotted on the x-axis. 
  • Export: Export as a PDF, PNG, JPEG, SVG, or CSV file. 
  • Delete card

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