Intro to text formatting

Insert rich text, like headings and banners to make your ideas stand out. Use buttons and dividers to add style. Organize with a sticky table of contents and tables.

Text formatting is available anywhere in ClickUp that allows text, like Chat, tasks, subtasks, Docs, Whiteboards, columnstext block Dashboard cards, and Notepad.

Rich text formatting

Organize large blocks of text with formatting like toggle lists, colored backgrounds, and columns:

ClickUp AI

Access ClickUp AI from the text toolbar anywhere in ClickUp that allows text.


Hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts

From anywhere in your Workspace except a text field, press Shift + ? to bring up a list of hotkeys and shortcuts.


/Slash Commands

Use /Slash Commands, our custom shortcuts that quickly add rich text, attach images, move a task, change a due date, and more!


Code blocks

Code blocks with syntax formatting interpret just about any coding language with colorized clarity.


Content blocks

Content blocks allow you to organize and style your content as a block, rather than line by line.



Convert markdown to rich text formatting without leaving your keyboard. You can use traditional markdown shortcuts, and we've added some custom ones, too.


Add emojis to give your content some flair!


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