Use code block formatting

Use code block formatting and our syntax highlighting will interpret more than 30 coding languages.

What you'll need

Use code block formatting

You can type or paste code into tasks, subtasks, Docs, wikis, Whiteboards, columns, Chat view, text block Dashboard cards, and Notepad:

  1. Navigate to the location you're adding a code block to.

  2. Paste a code block into the text editor.

    You can also use the /Slash Command /co and begin typing.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the code block, click the language dropdown.

  4. Choose a language.

  5. Your code block will format according to the language.

    • To copy the code block, hover in the upper-right and click Copy.

    • To select the entire code block without selecting any other content, press Cmd + A or Ctrl + A.

    • To exit the code editor, press Return three times.

Supported languages

The following languages are supported:

  • Bash

  • C++

  • C#

  • CSS

  • Dart

  • Diff

  • Elixir

  • Erlang

  • Gherkin

  • Go

  • Haskell

  • Java

  • JavaScript

  • JSON

  • Kotlin

  • Less

  • Markdown

  • Perl

  • PHP

  • Plain text

  • Python

  • R

  • Ruby

  • Rust

  • Scala

  • Scheme

  • SCSS

  • SQL

  • Swift

  • TypeScript


  • YAML

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