Intro to the Command Center

Looking for a task, Doc, or file? Use the Command Center to search for it and save time navigating through layers of the Hierarchy. Set up Connected Search to include files outside ClickUp in your searches!

You can also use commands like open Notepad or Go to Home to locate, create, or find items in your Workspace.

Screenshot of Command Center.png

What you'll need

Open the Command Center

You can access the Command Center from anywhere in ClickUp:

  • Press Cmd + K on Mac.
  • Press Ctrl + K on PC.
  • At the top of your Workspace, click Search in the toolbar.

When using the ClickUp desktop app, you can access the Command Center from anywhere on your computer:

  • Press Cmd + J on Mac.
  • Press Ctrl + J on PC.

Whether you're browsing the web, in another application, or using the browser version of ClickUp, the keyboard shortcut will open Command Center in the ClickUp desktop app and start searching.

What can be searched

You can use Command Center to search for the following:

  • Spaces, Folders, Lists, and tasks
  • Views
  • Comments
  • Dashboards
  • Doc pages and Doc views
  • Whiteboards, including all content like text on shapes, text boxes, and sticky notes
  • Attachments
  • Forms
  • People

When you enable Connected Search, you can also search for files from certain apps!

Search for items

To search for items with Command Center:

  1. Start typing to search or scroll to find what you're looking for.
  2. Apply filters and sort results.
  3. Hover over the search result you want to interact with.
  4. Select from the following options:
    • Open: Click the enter icon to open the item.
    • Open in new tab: Click the new tab icon to open the item in a new tab.
    • Copy URL: Click the link icon to copy the item's URL to your clipboard.
    • Tab: When hovering over certain items, you can press Tab or click the Tab button to open additional options. Options depend on the type of item you're interacting with.
    • Ask AI: When hovering over certain items, you can press Ask AI to receive assistance from ClickUp AI.

To navigate recent searches, click the < or > icon in the lower-left corner of the Command Center.

Use Connected Search

Use Connected Search to include items from Box, Dropbox, and other integrations in your searches.

After Connected Search is enabled, you can connect each app and individually enable Connected Search for them.

The process to connect apps and enable Connected Search varies from app to app.

Pin apps

After you've set up Connected Search for an app, you can pin it to the Command Center to quickly filter search results by the app.

When apps are connected from the Command Center, they are automatically pinned.

To pin a Connected Search app from Command Center:

  1. Under the search bar, click Apps.
  2. Hover over the app and click the pin icon.

Quick create items

Open the Command Center and type create to create new items, including tasks, Docs, and reminders.

Use commands

Type / in the Command Center to see all available commands.

Start typing a command name, and press Enter or Return to run the command. Alternatively, click any command to run it.

Type go to display Go to commands to quickly navigate your Workspace.

Type home and press Enter or Return to open Home.

Screenshot of some commands displaying in Command Center after someone typed :.png

Create custom commands

Create your own customizable commands to use in the Command Center.

Screenshot of the Add command button in the commands modal.

Command Center shortcuts

Use keyboard shortcuts in Command Center.

Action Shortcut Description
Open in new tab


Command + Enter

PC: Ctrl + Enter

Open a search result in a new tab. 
Copy URL

Mac: Command + C

PC: Ctrl + C

Copy a search result's URL to your clipboard.
Current location Ctrl + L Toggle on or off the current location filter. This filter removes search results that are not located in the Space, Folder, or List you currently have open.
Show in Command bar Hover over a result and press Tab to see more interaction options.

Choose from the following commands:


Open in new tab

Copy URL

Copy Task ID

Send to Tray

Search filter tabs

Ctrl + #

(Numbers 1-9 only.)

Type any number 1-9 while holding Ctrl to change between filters like Tasks, Dashboards, and People.
Go back Command + [ Navigate back through your recent searches.
Go forward Command + ] Navigate forward through your recent searches.

Search settings

Edit your search settings to customize search results and desktop app functionality.

To open search settings:

  1. Open the Command Center.
  2. In the lower-right corner, click Settings.
  3. If you're using the ClickUp desktop app, select Search Settings.

General settings

From the General sidebar option, enable or disable the following options:

  • Include archived items: Display archived items in search results.
  • Enable launching apps: Launch desktop apps from the Command Center on the ClickUp desktop app.

    This setting can only be enabled or disabled from the ClickUp desktop app.

Screenshot of the Search settings menu.

Sources settings

From the Sources sidebar option, you can see all of your connected apps with Connected Search enabled.

Click a connection to open it in the App Center, or click Connect app to add a new one.

Screenshot of the Sources tab in the Search settings menu.

If you don't see an app listed, ensure it has Connected Search enabled.

Additional uses

You can use Command Center for more than searching and using commands.


Use Command Center as a calculator. For example, type 100/14 and see results appear in real-time.

To copy the calculation or conversion result to your clipboard, press Return on Mac or Enter on PC.

Screenshot of Command Center caculating 100:14.png

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