Sort and filter Command Center results

Searching for an item in Command Center but can't find it? Organize search results by sorting and filtering.

What you'll need

Sort search results

When you open the Command Center, you'll see the latest items you interacted with. Once you start typing, search results are automatically sorted by relevance.

To change how search results are sorted:

  1. Under the Command Center search bar, click Sort.
    Screenshot of the Sort button in Command Center.png
  2. Select one of the sorting options:
    • Relevance: See the most relevant items first.
    • Last Updated: See recently-modified items first.
    • Last Created: See newly-created items first.

Filter search results

Filter search results to find exactly what you need. Multiple filters can be used at the same time.

There are several filter types you can use in the Command Center:

Filter Description
Item and location type

Click any pinned filter to only display that type of item or location in your search results.

Screenshot of the Whiteboards filter pinned to Command Center.png

By default, the Tasks and Docs filters are pinned below the search bar.

To filter by other item types or locations, click the plus icon to include the following:












To only show items assigned to specific people:

  1. Under the search bar, click Assignee.
  2. Click assignees to show their items in search results.

To only show items created by specific people:

  1. Under the search bar, click Creator.
  2. Click people to show their created items in search results.

To only show items in specific locations:

  1. Under the search bar, click In.
  2. Click the checkbox next to locations you want to search.

To only show tasks in specific status:

  1. Under the search bar, click the filter icon.
    • This will temporarily pin the Status filter to the top of Command Center.
  2. Choose which statuses to include in search results:
    • All
    • Active
    • Closed

To only show archived items:

  1. Under the search bar, click the filter icon.
    • This will temporarily pin the Archived filter to the top of Command Center.
  2. Select Archived.
Task type

To only show specific task types:

  1. Under the search bar, click the filter icon.
    • This will temporarily pin the Task type filter to the top of Command Center.
  2. Choose which task types to include in search results. 

You can pin Connected Search apps to Command Center to display each app under the search bar. 

To only show files found in the connected app when searching, click the app name. 

Screenshot highlighting pinned connected apps in Command Center.png


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