Intro to Automations

Eliminate admin busy work with Automations. Whether you need to add stakeholders as watchers, assign comments to review work, or send emails directly from a task Automations save time and effort so that you can focus on meaningful work.

You can browse our templates in the Automations library or create your own custom Automations. You also can set up integrations between ClickUp and other apps.

Check out our Automations Overview course in ClickUp University.

Automations also apply to tasks and subtasks created or updated through our API and mobile app.


What you'll need

  • The Workspace admin or owner must enable the Automation ClickApp.
  • Guests can't set up Automations.
  • The number of total active Automations that you can have in your Workspace depends on your plan:
    • Free Forever: 5 total active Automations.
    • Unlimited: 500 total active Automations.
    • Business and above: Unlimited total active Automations.
  • The number of Actions that can be completed per month depends on your plan:
    • Free Forever: 100 Actions/month.
    • Unlimited: 1,000 Actions/month.
    • Business: 10,000 Actions/Month. 
    • Business Plus: 25,000 Actions/month. 
    • Enterprise: 250,000 Actions/month. 
  • Action limits reset on the first of every month (PST).
  • Usage alert emails are sent to owners and admins of Workspaces when an Automations usage is at 90% and when usage is over 100%.
  • Business Plans and above can purchase more Automation Actions.
  • Webhook actions and Automation integrations are available for Business Plans and above.
  • The amount of Automation activity recorded depends on your plan: 
    • Free Forever: 1 day
    • Unlimited: 1 day
    • Business: 1 day
    • Business Plus: 30 days
    • Enterprise: 6 months

Enable the Automation ClickApp

By default, the Automation ClickApp is enabled for new Workspaces. Only Workspace owners and admins can manage ClickApps.

If the Automation ClickApp isn't enabled or if you don't have access to the settings, the button in the upper-right corner is labeled Customize instead of Automations

To enable Automations in your Workspace:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click the Quick Action Menu.

  2. Select ClickApps.

  3. Browse or search for Automation.

  4. Click the toggle to enable Automation.

Automations are location-based and affect all tasks beneath them in the Hierarchy. For example, if you create an Automation at the List level, it will only affect tasks within that specific List. If you create an Automation at the Folder level, however, it will affect all tasks in all Lists within the Folder.

Automations aren't processed in any specific order, but Actions within each Automation are performed in order.

Triggers, Conditions, and Actions

Every Automation consists of a Trigger and an Action. Workspaces on the Business Plan and above have the option to use Conditions and multiple Actions in their Automations.

  • Triggers are events that start an Automation. You can set Triggers to apply to tasks, subtasks, or both.

  • Conditions are criteria that must be true for the Automation to launch.

  • Actions are the events that the Automation initiates after it is triggered.

Screenshot of a custom Automation with a condition.

Create an Automation

To create an Automation:

  1. Open the Space, Folder, or List where you want to apply the Automation.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click Automations
  3. Select an Automation type. Or use ClickUp AI to create your Automation.

    Take a look at our Intro to ClickUp Brain article for more info on purchasing and using AI.

The following types of Automations are available:

  • Templates: Use Automation templates to browse pre-set Triggers and Actions. They can be used as-is or you can customize them.

  • Custom: Use a Custom Automation if you have a specific result in mind and you're comfortable using Automations. With Custom Automations, you can also add Conditions and set more than one Action.

  • Integrations: Use an integration Automation if the Automation relates to other apps. The following Automation integrations are supported:

  • Assignee and watcher Automations: Use an assignee or watcher Automation to set a specific assignee or watcher for all new tasks and subtasks in a List, Folder, or Space:

To delete or disable an Automation:

    1. Open the Manage tab.
    2. Hover your cursor over any Automation and select the Trash icon to delete it or click the toggle to disable it. 

Automation activity

Use the Activity tab to view recent Automation activity across your Workspace or in a specific Space, Folder, or List. Anyone with permissions to view or create Automations can view Automation activity. 


You can change the Automation activity filtering options using the dropdowns: 


  • Location: Show the Automation activity for a specific Space, Folder, or List in your Workspace. 
  • Status: Show Automation activity based on status. 
  • Date run: Show Automation activity for a specific date or date range. 

Click the x beside any filter to remove it. 

Automation activity for private locations and tasks will not be shown. 

Use the dropdown arrow beside any entry to view the Automation action. 


You can click the Automation name to open the Automation menu. 

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You can click the Automation location to open the Space, Folder, or List for the Automation or click the task name to open the task. 

Use the ellipsis ... beside any entry to open the Automation menu or report an issue with your Automation. 

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