Convert user roles

Make sure your team is assigned the right user roles for maximum productivity. 

When you convert someone, their access and permissions will be updated to reflect their new role. They will have access to the features available for that role.


User role availability and limits vary by plan. Learn more


Compare user roles

Compare pricing and permissions for owner, admin, and member-type user roles. 

Compare pricing and permissions for guest-type user roles. 

Convert user roles

Invite permissions vary by role and plan. Learn how in our article, Manage user permissions

All user roles can be converted to a higher or lower level. When converted to a new role, people gain or lose the default permissions that came with the role. 

For example, Avery had default access to billing, permissions, and integrations as an admin. Avery recently transitioned to a part-time consultant role and is now a member. They no longer have admin access. 

Make sure you have all the info. You may be charged when converting user roles, depending on your plan. 

To convert anyone in your Workspace to a higher or lower user role:

  1. Click your Workspace avatar then select Manage users
  2. From the Manage people page, click the appropriate tab to find the user. For example, if the person is a guest click the Guest tab.
  3. From the Role column, set the user's new role. 

Convert any user role to an owner

The current owner can transfer Workspace ownership to any Workspace admin, member, or guest. 

Convert a guest to a member type or admin

Let's say someone from outside your organization was a guest, and you've employed them as a contractor. Now that they're employed by your organization, you can easily convert them to a member type or admin.

Guests and limited members can be given edit, comment, or view-only permissions to certain items and locations. They'll have that permission level for that item or location when their role is upgraded. 

Convert a member or admin to a guest

Let's say a member was employed by your organization and is now a per-project contractor. You can easily convert them to a guest.

When a member or admin becomes a guest, they won't have access to certain features. They'll lose access to anything they haven't been invited to work on, including their private Workspace items. 

  1. Click your Workspace avatar then select Manage users
  2. From the Manage people page, click the Full members tab.
  3. From the Role column, set the user's role to Guest

Convert a guest or member to admin

Promoting a guest or member to admin allows them to manage Workspace settings like billing.

  1. Click your Workspace avatar then select Manage users
  2. From the Manage people page, select the Guests or Full members tab to find the user you would like to promote.
  3. From the Role column, set the user's role to Member or Admin.

Convert a limited member read only to a limited member

There is no subscription fee for limited members read only

When a comment, edit, or full permission to a location or item is given, the user becomes a limited member and a subscription fee is charged. 

Convert a view only guest to a permission controlled guest

There is no subscription fee for view only guests

When a comment, edit, or full permission to a location or item is given, the user becomes a permission controlled guest. If you run out of permission-controlled guests and invite someone as a guest with permissions, they are converted to a member, and a subscription fee is charged.

Learn how the number of permissions controlled guests is calculated per plan. 

Convert a limited member to a limited member read only

When you change a limited member's permissions to all locations and items shared with them to view only, the user becomes a limited member read only. 


Convert a permission controlled guest to a view only guest

When you change a permission controlled guest's permissions to all locations and items shared with them to view only, the user becomes a view only guest. 


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