Intro to Overviews

An Overview is a canvas with dynamic cards that help organize your high-level Space, Folder, and Sprint Folder views. 

Image of a customized Overview

What you'll need

Open an Overview

Overviews are available for Spaces, Folders, and Sprint Folders. Overviews are not available at the Everything or List level. 

To open a location's Overview:

  1. In the Sidebar, click the Space or Folder.
  2. In the Views Bar, select Overview.

Add and use Overview cards

Overview cards are prebuilt and designed to show specific items from your Workspace. After you select the card, it automatically populates with data from that location.

Many Dashboard and Overview cards can be used in both locations. Take a look at our Cards feature availability and limits article to learn which cards can be used in Dashboards and Overviews. 

Following is more info about Overview cards:

Resources cards

The Resources card shows files uploaded to the Attachments card in the Space or Folder.


The following table details which actions are available from the card:

Card Required card? Actions




To add this card, select it from the Overview tab of the Add card modal.

Open file: Click the file's name.

View card in full screen: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the double-arrow icon.

Delete card: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the ellipsis ... icon and choose an option. 

Drop files: Drag and drop files into the card from your device. 

Add files: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the plus icon. Select one of the following options:

  • Upload file: Upload files from your device.
  • Click app name to upload from one of these cloud storage services:
    • Dropbox
    • OneDrive/Sharepoint
    • Box
    • Google Drive
    • Google Docs

Attachment info: Hover over the file's name to see when the file was added or last modified. The icon of the person who modified it displays to the right of the file name.

Edit, Download, Delete, or Open the file: Hover to the right of the file's name and click the icon. The Open option opens external files in the file's app.

Doc cards

The Docs card shows any Docs attached to the Space or Folder.

Image of the Docs card on the Overview page

The following table details which actions are available from the card:

Card Required card? Actions





To add this card, select it from the Overview tab of the Add card modal.

Open Doc: Click the Doc's name. 

Open in new tab or Copy link: Hover to the right of the Doc's name and click the icon.

View card in full screen: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the double-arrow icon.

Duplicate card or Delete card: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the ellipsis ... icon and choose an option. 

Create a new Doc: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the plus icon to create a Doc in the Sidebar or as a view.

Doc location: To the right of the Doc's name, hover over the location preview to see the exact location.

Bookmarks cards

Bookmarks cards can also be used in Dashboards!

Use the Bookmarks card to pin any internal or external URL to an Overview. Thirty URLs can be added per card. 


The following table details which actions are available from the card:

Card Required card? Actions

Bookmarks (beta)




To add this card, select it from the Overview tab of the Add card modal.

Open bookmark: Click the bookmark's name. 

View card in full screen: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the double-arrow icon.

In full screen, you can hover over a bookmark's name and use the hand icon to reorder the bookmarks. 

Add a bookmark: Click the plus icon. Then paste a link to any ClickUp item or a web URL into the Add a bookmark modal.

Duplicate card or Delete card: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the ellipsis ... icon and choose an option. 

Copy bookmark's link, Edit bookmark info, or Remove bookmark: Hover in the upper-right corner of the bookmark, click the ellipsis ... icon, and choose an option. 

Duplicate card or Delete card: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the ellipsis ... icon and choose an option. 

Recents cards

The Recents card shows any items or views you recently opened within the Space or Folder. Your most recent items appear at the top.

The following table details which actions are available from the card:

Image of Recent card on the Overview page

The following table details which actions are available from the card:

Card Required card? Actions





To add this card, select it from the Overview tab of the Add card modal.

Open item: Click the item's name. 

Open in new tab or Copy link: Hover to the right of the item's name and click the icon.

View card in full screen: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the double-arrow icon.

Duplicate card or Delete card: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the ellipsis ... icon and choose an option. 

Folders cards

The Folders card shows Folders within the Space. It is automatically included in Space-level Overviews.
You can't delete or add this card.

Image of the Folders card on the Overview page

The following table details which actions are available from the card:

Card Required card? Actions




This card is required only at the Space level. 

Open Folder: Click the Folder's name.

View card in full screen: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the double-arrow icon.

Create a Folder: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the plus icon to create a Folder.

Lists cards

The Lists card is automatically included in Folder-level Overviews.
You can also add it at the Space level. The Lists card shows any Lists within a Space or Folder. 

Lists within Folders only appear on the parent Folder's overview. Lists within Folders do not appear in the Space overview. 

Image of the Lists card on the Overview page

The following table details which actions are available from the card:

Card Required card? Actions
Lists This card is required only at the Folder level. 

Open List: Click the List's name.

View card in full screen: In the upper-right corner of the card, click the double-arrow icon.

Show columns: Use List columns to see and sort task info. To use List columns in a List card:

  • Scroll to the right. In the upper-right corner, click the plus icon. Click the toggle to show or hide a column.
  • Available sort options:
    • Color: Change the List's location status color.
    • Progress: Progress tracks the completion of tasks in a List. The progress of subtasks that belong to Tasks in Multiple Lists is not tracked. 
    • Done: Sort by task status.
    • Due: The overdue tasks in this List.
    • Created: The date the List was created. 
    • Start: Sort by List start date
    • End: Sort by List due date
    • Priority: Sort by List priority
    • Owner: The person set as the List's owner

Sort columns: Hover over a column and click the arrows to change the sort order.

Create a List: In the lower-left corner, click +New List to create a List. 

Minimize, maximize, move, and rename cards

You can minimize, maximize, move, and rename any card on an Overview.

Minimize or maximize

To minimize or maximize a card, hover over the card's edges and drag the arrow in or out. 


To move a card:

  1. Hover around the edges of the card until you see the hand icon. 
  2. Drag the card in any direction. 


To rename a card:

  1. In the upper-left corner, click the card's name. 
  2. Type a new name.

Save Overview to PDF

Export an Overview for easy reporting.

You can also save a Dashboard to PDF.

  1. Open an Overview.
  2. Click Overview.
  3. Select from the following options:
    • Download PDF: Select a location for the file and click Save.
    • Export PDF to email: The PDF will be attached to an email sent to the email address associated with your ClickUp account.

Screenshot of the Overview menu highlighting the option to save to PDF.

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