Intro to start dates

Start dates help your Workspace members separate the tasks that need to be worked on today from those that can wait until later.

Combined with due dates, start dates allow you to provide more accurate timeframes for tasks. 

Show start dates

Show the column in List View from the + menu. 


Add start dates

You can add start dates to tasks from List view, Task view, Board view, and Calendar view!

List view

To add a start date from List view:

  1. Click the Start Date field open the date selector. 

  2. Choose a date from the date selector or type in your desired start date with our natural language processing option.

Task view

To add a start date from Task view:

  1. Click Dates at the top of the task. 
  2. Select a start date and time.

After clicking a start date, the date selector will automatically move to due date.


Board view

To add a start date from Board view, hover over a task and click the calendar icon to enter a start date.

Calendar view

To add a start date from Calendar view:

  1. On the right, click Unscheduled and overdue tasks

  2. Drag a task onto a day to set a start and due date. 

Sort and filter by start dates

Utilize start dates to sort and filter your tasks in List View

Click the filter button or select the Start Date sorting option from the columns displayed above your list of tasks.

Adjust your calendar's default start-of-the-week in your Time Settings.

Add a start date to a List

To add a start date to a List:

  1. Click the ellipsis ... beside a List in the Sidebar. 
  2. Select List info
  3. Click Set due date



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