HubSpot integration

Integrate ClickUp with HubSpot to automate your workflows. You can create items in ClickUp using deal-based triggers and set up HubSpot Automations to increase your team's efficiency.

What you'll need

  • The HubSpot integration is available to Workspaces on the Unlimited Plan and above
  • Only Workspace owners and admins can set up integrations.
  • Guests can't use the HubSpot integration.
  • The Hubspot integration can only be connected in the ClickUp Integration settings. 

Authenticate HubSpot

You need to be Workspace owner or admin to authenticate HubSpot in ClickUp.

To authenticate HubSpot:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click the Quick Action Menu next to your avatar.
  2. Select App Center.
  3. Search for and select HubSpot.
  4. Click Manage.
  5. At the bottom, click Add to HubSpot.
  6. In the authorization popup window, select the HubSpot account you want to connect to ClickUp.

Deal-based triggers

The HubSpot integration supports deal-based triggers. More triggers and actions are available using HubSpot Automations.

Custom Field mapping is not supported for HubSpot workflows.

The following actions can be initiated in ClickUp from deal-based HubSpot triggers:

Create a ClickUp task using HubSpot

To create a task in ClickUp using HubSpot:

  1. In HubSpot, go to the Workflows page.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click Create workflow.
  3. In the sidebar, click Deal-based.
  4. In the upper-right corner, click Next.
  5. Click Set up triggers.
  6. Under Filter type, select Deal.
  7. Select a trigger from the available options.
  8. Click Save.
    Screenshot of someone saving their HubSpot trigger choice.
  9. In the middle of your screen, click the + icon.
    • If this is your first time using the integration, click Connect an app in the upper-right corner and search for ClickUp.
  10. Using the Choose an action menu on the right, scroll down to ClickUp.
  11. Select Create a task.
  12. Customize your task:
    • Choose a Workspace: Select your Workspace from the dropdown menu.
    • Choose or create a Space: Select a Space for your task to live in or create a new one.
    • Keep your hierarchy organized and easy to navigate by using existing Spaces, Folders, and Lists for deals.
    • Choose or create a Folder: Select a Folder for your task to live in or create a new one.
    • Choose or create a List: Select a List for your task to live in or create a new one.
    • Enter a task name: Name your task.
    • Enter a task description: Give your task a description.
    • Click Deal token next to any option to include custom HubSpot data such as deal name, deal type, and amount.
  13. At the bottom, click Save.
  14. In the upper-right corner, click Review and publish.
  15. Answer any questions prompted by HubSpot.
  16. In the upper-right corner, click Turn on.

Use HubSpot Automations

You can use ClickUp Automations to trigger actions in ClickUp or HubSpot.

Objects or items that are created from HubSpot Automations will not trigger other HubSpot Automations. For example, if Automation A creates a ClickUp task and Automation B is triggered by the creation of a ClickUp task, Automation A will not trigger Automation B.

Map HubSpot fields

You can only map HubSpot fields to their equivalent ClickUp Custom Fields within Automations. For example, HubSpot email fields can only be mapped to ClickUp Email Custom Fields. Domain fields can only be mapped to Website Custom Fields, and phone number fields can only be mapped to Phone Custom Fields. 

If your Automation has a required HubSpot field, you must first create the equivalent ClickUp Custom Field for options to populate. 

Create a HubSpot Automation

To create a new HubSpot Automation in your ClickUp Workspace:

  1. Make sure the Workspace owner or an admin has enabled the Automations ClickApp.
  2. Go to to the SpaceFolder, or List you want the Automation to affect.
  3. In the upper-right corner, click Automate.
  4. Click + Add Automation.
  5. In the lower-left corner, click HubSpot.
  6. Select an Automation.
  7. Customize your Automation and click Create to finalize.

Screenshot of HubSpot Automations in ClickUp.

Link ClickUp tasks to HubSpot

You can link ClickUp tasks to HubSpot using a HubSpot object created Trigger or the ClickUp Task Created Trigger.

Using a Hubspot Trigger

Combine a HubSpot object created Trigger with the Create task Action to automatically link the two items once they are created. 

Using a ClickUp Trigger

Combine a Task Created trigger with a Create HubSpot object action to automatically link the two items once the task is created. HubSpot companies, contacts, deals, line items, products, tasks, and tickets can all be created, and linked this way! ClickBot automatically creates a comment that links the two in the ClickUp task.

Screenshot of ClickBot leaving a task comment with the HubSpot link via Automation.

If the Relationships ClickApp is enabled in the Workspace, you'll also see a link to the HubSpot URL in the ClickUp task's Relationships section.

You can paste a HubSpot URL in any ClickUp task comment and it will be listed in the Relationships section, but the two will not be linked.

HubSpot to ClickUp triggers and actions

Initiate ClickUp actions from HubSpot triggers:
Type Available options
HubSpot triggers
  • New Deal
ClickUp actions
  • Create task
  • Create subtask

ClickUp to HubSpot triggers and actions

Initiate HubSpot actions from ClickUp triggers:
Type Available options
ClickUp triggers
  • Status changes
  • Priority changes
  • Due date changes
  • Start date changes
  • Assignee changes
  • Task created
  • Existing task added to this location
  • Moved to this location
  • Task linked
  • Time tracked
  • All subtasks resolved
  • All checklists resolved
  • Task unblocked
  • Custom field changes
  • Due date arrives
  • Start date changes
HubSpot actions
  • Create ticket
  • Create contact
  • Create Deal
  • Create Company
  • Create Line_item
  • Create Product
  • Create task

Update linked ClickUp tasks from HubSpot

Update linked ClickUp tasks from HubSpot:
Type Available options
HubSpot triggers
  • Deal Property Change. Properties include:
    • dealname
    • amount
    • dealstage
    • pipeline
    • closedate
    • createdate
    • dealtype
    • description
    • closed_lost_reason
    • closed_won_reason
    • deal_currency_code
    • hs_analytics_source
  • Ticket Property Change
  • Company Property Change
  • Contact Property Change
  • Product Property Change
Task-related ClickUp actions
  • Change Assignees
  • Create a subtask
  • Apply a template
  • Add a comment
  • Delete task
  • Archive task
  • Duplicate
  • Track time
  • Change tags
  • Estimate time
  • Change watchers
  • Change status
  • Change priority
  • Change Due Date
  • Change Start Date
  • Move to list
  • Set custom field
  • Call webhook
  • Add to list

Update linked HubSpot objects from ClickUp

Update linked HubSpot objects from ClickUp:
Type Available options
ClickUp triggers
  • Status changes
  • Priority changes
  • Due date changes
  • Start date changes
  • Assignee changes
  • Assignee removed
  • Existing task added to this location
  • Moved to this location
  • Task linked
  • Time tracked
  • All subtasks resolved
  • All checklists resolved
  • Task unblocked
  • Custom field changes
  • Due date arrives
  • Start date changes
HubSpot actions
  • Update Deal Property
  • Update Company
  • Update Line Item
  • Update Product
  • Update Ticket
  • Update Contact

Frequently asked questions 

Q: What's the difference between the Workflow integration and the Automations?

A: Workflow: This feature is deal-based and is used to send deal-related data from HubSpot to ClickUp.

  • No custom fields can be sent over with this integration.
  • User needs access to HubSpot Workflows to use this (HubSpot Professional or above).

Automations: Actions & Triggers used with multiple objects


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