
ClickBot is responsible for automation actions performed by ClickUp. For example, when an Automation is triggered, you'll see any related activity performed by the Clickbot profile.

Screenshot of a ClickBot automated comment.

What you'll need

  • ClickBot is available on every ClickUp plan.

Activate ClickBot

ClickBot will perform actions when it has been asked to by a user in the Workspace. Other people in your Workspace will see that ClickBot has performed these actions on your behalf.

In order to receive ClickBot notifications, you'll need to enable them in your Notification settings

ClickBot activates with our native integrations or when the following actions are performed:

ClickBot category Activation
ClickBot (Automations)

Activates when an Automation Action is triggered.

To quickly manage Automations, click ClickBot (Automations) in a task's Activity section.

ClickBot (Template Manager)

Activates when a task is created from a template.

ClickBot (Recurring Tasks)

Activates when remapping due dates.

If you have the Reschedule Dependencies ClickApp enabled, ClickBot will let you know if a task along the Dependency chain had its due date changed.

ClickBot (Duplication Tool)

Activates when a task is duplicated.

ClickBot (Form Submission)

Activates when a Form submission creates a task.

ClickBot (Dependencies)

When you close a task with unresolved items, ClickBot will ask if you want to resolve the items. If you do, ClickBot will do it for you.

The Incomplete Warning ClickApp must be enabled.


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