Intro to reminders

Never forget anything with reminders!

Use reminders to quickly create smaller action items that don't require a task. You can create them for yourself or delegate them.

What you'll need

Create reminders

You can create reminders throughout ClickUp in several locations. 

From anywhere in your Workspace

To create a reminder from anywhere, pressr.

From a task

To create a reminder from a task:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click the ellipsis ... menu.
  2. Select Remind me

From the Quick Action menu

To create a reminder: 

  1. In the upper-right corner, click the Quick Action menu in the toolbar.
  2. Select Reminder

From My Work

To create a reminder from the My Work section of Home, hover over a tab click the plus icon, and select Add Reminder

Reminders created from Home while offline sync as soon as you're connected!

From a Profile

To create a reminder from the My Work section of a Profile:

  1. From the My Work tab of any Profile, hover over the Today, Overdue, or Next tab.
  2. Click + Reminder.

From a comment

Create a reminder from a comment. Reminders created from comments are independent and unrelated to the comment or task the comment is located in.

From the Command Center

To create a reminder, open the Command Center:

  1. In either ClickUp version from anywhere in your Workspace, press Cmd + K on Mac or Ctrl + K on PC.
    You can also open Command Center by clicking Search in the toolbar.
  2. In the Command Center search bar, type create then select Create New Reminder

Set up and save your reminder

When creating a reminder, you'll add the following details: 

  • Reminder name: Name your reminder.
  • Attachments: Add files that are related to your reminder.
  • There is a 1 GB file size limit for attachments.
  • Reminder date: Set the date for the reminder. It is set to today by default.
  • If you have a reminder that needs to be repeated, you can create a recurring reminder.
  • Assignee: By default, a reminder is assigned to you and remains private. You can delegate a reminder by changing the assignee.
  • Notify me: Customize notification options for your reminder. Options include:
    • On due date
    • 10 minutes before
    • 1 hour before
    • Custom...
    • Don't notify
  • To save your reminder, click Create Reminder. 

Mobile users with Apple devices can also create ClickUp reminders with Siri.

See your reminders

You can see all your reminders in the My Work section of your Home or Profile.

They are also shown in the Agenda section of your Home or Profile if they are set to notify you at a specific time.

Reminders are connected to your account, not a specific Workspace. If you have multiple Workspaces, a reminder created in one will appear in the Home view of any other Workspace. If you need to create something for a specific Workspace, convert your reminder to a task instead. 

Reminder options

Hover over any reminder in Home or Profiles to access the following options:

  • Done: Mark a reminder as complete.
  • Snooze reminder: Change a reminder's due date and time.
  • Add to List: Convert a reminder to a task by adding it to a List.
  • Delegate: Assign the reminder to someone else.
  • Delete: Permanently delete the reminder.
  • Warning: Deleted reminders cannot be recovered.
  • Notify me: Adjust the reminder's notification settings.
Screenshot of a reminder in Home.png

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