Manage user permissions

Change the default permissions for guests, members, and admins. 

These are user role permissions. To set Workspace permissions, read our Configure advanced Workspace permissions article. 

These are Workspace permissions. To learn about user role permissions read our Intro to permissions article.

What you'll need

  • Invite permissions are available on all plans. 
  • One custom role is available on our Business Plus Plan.
  • Unlimited custom role permissions are available on our Enterprise Plan.
  • Okta support for custom role permissions is available on our Enterprise Plan.
  • By default, only the Workspace owner can create custom role permissions.
  • Workspace owners can delegate managing custom role permissions to custom admins.

Manage invite permissions 

Control who can invite people to your Workspace. 

Invite permissions are available on all plans. Invite permissions work in the following way:

Invite permission

Limited members

If the limited members beta is activated in your Workspace, you'll see limited members invite permissions settings.

Members Admins
Invite Members

Off by default.

Cannot be turned on.

On by default.

Can be turned off. 

On by default. 

On Business Plus and Enterprise Plans, if the Manage Users custom role permission is on, the Workspace owner must turn it off to turn on the Invite Members permission for admins.

Invite Guests and Limited Members

Off by default.

Can be turned on

On by default.

Can be turned off. 

On by default.

On Business Plus and Enterprise Plans, if the Manage Users custom role permission is on, the Workspace owner must turn it off to turn on the Invite Members permission for admins

Invite permissions and the Manage Users custom role permission

Custom role permissions are only available on Business Plus and Enterprise Plans.

The following table explains the differences between the Invite Permissions and the Manage Users custom role permission :

Permissions Manage Users custom role permission Invite permissions
Description Permits users to add, remove, change roles, and manage invites for all members and guests in the Workspace.  Permits users to invite new members and guests to the Workspace. 

Edit invite permissions

These settings can be changed by an owner or an admin with the Manage Users permission. 

To edit these settings:

  1. In the upper-left corner, click your Workspace avatar.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Security & Permissions
  4. In the Invite Permissions section's Members column, click either toggle to on or off.
    • If the limited members beta is activated in your Workspace, you'll also see invite settings for the limited members user role here.

Custom role permissions

Business Plus and Enterprise Plans can edit the default limited member, member, admin, and owner roles

Create new custom roles to suit your team's needs. Or activate additional role permissions for all members and admins in your Workspace.

The following table describes each custom role permission:

If the limited members beta is activated in your Workspace, you'll also see invite settings for the limited members user role here. 

Permission action


Manage Users

Permits the user to add, remove, change roles, and manage invites for all members and guests in the Workspace. 

By default, this setting is on for admins. 


Permits the user to see and open the Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab modal on tasks and use all the features.

Edit Statuses

Permits the user to create, edit, and delete statuses. When Edit Statuses is on and Delete Items off, you can't delete statuses.

Manage Tags

Permits the user to create, edit, and delete tags. When Manage Tags is on and Delete Items is off, you can't delete tags.

Send Email (Email ClickApp)

Permits the user to send emails using the Email ClickApp. The Add Email Accounts permission must be enabled to turn this permission on.

Add Email Accounts (Email ClickApp)

Permits the user to add authorized email accounts using the Email ClickApp. Turning this on automatically enables the Send Email permission, but any combination of the two permissions can be set.

Manage Custom Fields

Permits the user to create, edit, and delete Custom Fields. If you have Manage Custom Fields turned on and Delete Items off, you can't delete Custom Fields.

Create Custom Fields

Permits the user to create Custom Fields anywhere but at the Workspace level. To permit users to create fields at the Workspace level, check the Workspace level box.

Edit Custom Fields

Permits the user to make changes to Custom Fields, including Name, Description, and Location.

Merge Custom Fields

Permits the user to merge multiple Custom Fields of the same type into a single Custom Field.

This permission is only available using Custom Field Manager.

Convert Custom Fields

Permits the user to convert Custom Fields from one field type to another. For example, Dropdown to Label.

This permission is only available using Custom Field Manager.

Move Custom Fields

Permits the user to move Custom Fields up or down the location hierarchy. For example, Space to List, or Folder to Space. Optionally, you can control who can move fields to or from the Workspace level.

This permission is only available using Custom Field Manager.

Pinned Custom Fields

Permits the user to pin a Custom Field. Pinned Custom Fields are pinned across the Workspace wherever that field is being used.

Custom Roles

Permits the user to create, edit, delete, and manage all custom roles. Users with this permission by default have access to all permissions. Only custom admins can be granted this permission.

Create Spaces

Permits the user to create Spaces in the team Workspace.

Create Views

Permits the user to create and edit views or Whiteboards on locations. When toggled off, full Members can still create personal views.

Delete Items

Permits the user to delete the following items:

  • Tasks
  • Tags
  • Task templates
  • Lists
  • Folders
  • Spaces
  • Docs
  • Checklists
  • Checklist templates
  • Checklist items
  • Attachments
  • Views
  • View templates
  • Folder templates
  • List templates
  • Custom Fields

You can limit this permission by checking the Only if created box. This will allow the user to delete only the tasks they create.


Permits the user to export via the Workspace export setting.


Permits the user to import tasks via the Workspace import settings.

Invite Guests

Permits the user to invite guests to the Workspace. 

This setting is in the Invite Permissions section in Workspaces with the invite permissions beta.

Workspace Integrations

Permits the user to set up any third-party Workspace integrations.

Workspace Permissions

Permits the user to change Workspace level permissions like 2FA, Public Sharing, and SSO.

View Team Timesheets

Permissions the user to view team timesheets.

Edit role permissions

Owners can enable or disable role permissions. They can also delegate managing custom role permissions to custom admins.

To edit member and admin permissions:

  1. In the upper-left corner, click your Workspace avatar.
  2. Select Settings, then Security & Permissions.
  3. Scroll down to the Custom Role Permissions section.
  4. In the members or admins column, click to edit one or more actions. 

Create custom roles

Owners can create new custom roles. They can also delegate managing custom role permissions to custom admins.

For example, you want most Workspace members to retain their default permissions settings. You'd also like select members to have a few more permissions. In this case, you'd do the following: 

  1. In the upper-left corner, click your Workspace avatar.
  2. Select Settings, then Security & Permissions.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the Custom Role Permissions section, click + New Role
  4. Enter the role name, Select Members, for example.  
    • Custom Role Permissions must have unique names.
  5. Select a default role for inheriting permissions, Admin, Member, or Guest. For the above example, you'd select Member
  6. Click Create.
  7. Your new role is now a column in the Custom Role Permissions table.
  8. To create the custom role, click the toggles in the new role column on or off. 

Create a custom admin role with access to all permissions

By default, the admin role has every custom role permission enabled except the Custom Role permission in the Create and Delete Actions section.

Workspace owners can delegate custom role management to a custom admin. This role has access to all permissions. 

To permit some admins to manage custom role permissions:

  1. In the upper-left corner, click your Workspace avatar.
  2. Select Settings, then Security & Permissions.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the Custom Role Permissions section, click + New Role
  4. Enter the role name, Super Admin, for example.  
    • Custom Role Permissions must have unique names.
  5. Select a default role for inheriting permissions, Admin, Member, or Guest. For the above example, you'd select Admin
  6. Click Create.
  7. Your new role is now a column in the Custom Role Permissions table.
  8. In the Delete and Create Actions section, click the Custom Roles toggle on.

Assign a custom role

Workspace owners can assign custom roles. Workspace owners can also delegate this to custom admins.

To assign a custom role:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click your Workspace avatar.
  2. Select Manage users, then People.
  3. From the Manage people page, click the Full members or Guests tab.
  4. To the right of the person's name in the Role column, click the role dropdown. 
    Screenshot with the Full members column highlighted. In the Role column, the role dropdown is visible and the custom role, named super member is highlighted.
  5. Select the custom role.

Delete custom role permissions

Before deleting a custom role permission, you can manually assign a new role to anyone using it. Otherwise, during the deletion process you'll be asked to select one role to automatically assign to everyone using the deleted role. 

To delete a custom role permission:

  1. In the upper-left corner, click your Workspace avatar.
  2. Select Settings, then Security & Permissions.
  3. In the Custom Role Permissions section, to the right of the new role name click the ellipsis ... menu. 
    1. From this ellipsis ... menu, you can also rename or duplicate a custom role.
  4. Select Delete.

    Screenshot of the ellipsis ... menu with the Delete option highlighted.

  5. From the Delete modal, select a new role to automatically assign to anyone who had been assigned the deleted role. 
  6. Click Delete

Okta support for Custom Role Permissions

For Enterprise teams that use Okta for provisioning, custom role permissions integrate with Okta.

Any role created in ClickUp can be added as an option within Okta, making it easy to integrate custom role permissions into existing workflows.

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