Create and share a private view

Private views are only visible to you. For example, you could make a List view containing only your tasks.

If you'd rather protect a view from being changed, take a look at this article about protecting views.

What you'll need

Create a private view

Making a view private can be done during the view's creation.

To make a view private upon creation:

  1. Click + View in the Views Bar to open the views modal.

  2. Be sure that the Private view box is checked before adding the view.


In a private List view, rearranging the order of tasks by dragging and dropping will also change the order of the tasks in the public view. 

Make an existing view private

You can also easily make an existing view private. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. From the Views Bar, right-click the view. 

  2. To the right of Private view, click the toggle on.

If you'd like an existing view grouped differently, or to apply a few filters, make it private! To do this, duplicate the view, and change it to private. You'll have a personal version of the view, without changing it for others.

Share a private view

There are two ways to share your private view, by sharing it with others in your Workspace or with a link. 

Share it with others in your Workspace

Sharing the view this way allows you to set individual permissions for the people you share it with. 

Following are the permissions and access for sharing a private view:

  • View permissions: You can set individual permissions for everyone you share the view with. Permissions vary depending on the view.
  • Sharing access: When sharing the view, only people with access to the view's location will display as choices.
  • Who can share: A person who cannot unprotect a view cannot share it. 
  • What is shared: Only the view is shared, not the view's location. 

To share a view with others in your Workspace:

  1. From the Views Bar, right-click the private view. 
  2. Select Sharing & Permissions
  3. At the top of the Sharing modal, select the dropdown to the right of Share this view
  4. Click into the Invite by name or email field. 
  5. To the right of the person's name, click the dropdown to select a permission.
    Screenshot of the Sharing modal with the Invite by name or email field highlighted. The dropdown shows two permissions.
  6. Click the Share toggle on.

Share a view with a public link

To share a view with a public link:

Private view sharing via a public link is fully available during early access. Future limits may apply.

Publicly shared items are view only. Private tasks in shared items are not visible. You cannot set individual permissions for the people you share it with.  

  1. From the Views Bar, right-click the view. 
  2. Select Sharing & Permissions
  3. Click Copy link.
    For more info on publicly sharing a view, read our Public sharing article. 

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