Whiteboards Hub

Use the Whiteboards Hub to organize, search, and create Whiteboards from one centralized location!

Whiteboards in the Hub are organized into three cards and a table. The cards and the table have various filters and actions that you can use to manage your Whiteboards.

Screenshot of the Whiteboards Hub.

What you'll need

  • The Whiteboards Hub is available on every ClickUp plan.
  • Everyone, including guests, can use the Whiteboards Hub.
    • Guests can't create, edit, or delete Whiteboards from the Whiteboards Hub.
    • Guests can access Whiteboards from the Lists and Folders that have been shared with them using the Whiteboards Hub.
    • Guests can access Whiteboards that have been created at the Everything level using the Whiteboards Hub.

Open the Whiteboards Hub

The Whiteboards Hub is pinned to the Sidebar by default. If you don't see it:

  1. From the Sidebar, click More.
  2. Select Whiteboards.

To unpin the Dashboards Hub:

  1. From the Sidebar, click More.
  2. Click the pin icon next to Whiteboards.

Whiteboards Hub cards

Cards allow you to see the most important information. There are three Whiteboards Hub cards:

  • Recent: Whiteboards you recently opened.
  • Favorites: Whiteboards you favorited.
  • Created by Me: Whiteboards you created.

Use Whiteboards Hub cards

Hover over any Whiteboard to take the following actions:

  • Open in new tab: Open the Whiteboard in a new tab.
  • Copy URL: Copy the URL of the Whiteboard.

Screenshot highlighting the 'open in new tab' and 'copy URL' options in Whiteboards Hub cards.

To see more results in the Recent or Created by Me cards, click See all in the upper-right corner.

Screenshot of the 'see all' button at the top of the Recent and Created by Me cards in Whiteboards Hub.png

The location of each Whiteboard is displayed to the right of its name. Hover over the location to see more details.

You can also see when a Whiteboard was last updated by hovering over its name.

Create and search for Whiteboards

Create or search for Whiteboards in your Workspace from Whiteboards Hub.

Create a Whiteboard

To create a new Whiteboard:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Whiteboards Hub, click New Whiteboard.
  2. By default, the Whiteboard will be created at the Workspace level. You can change the location using the dropdown menu in the upper-left.
  3. Name the Whiteboard.
  4. Make the Whiteboard private by clicking the Private toggle in the lower-left.
  5. In the lower-right of the modal, click Create whiteboard.
  6. You'll be automatically redirected to the new Whiteboard.

Search for Whiteboards

To search for a Whiteboard:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click Search Whiteboards.
  2. Command Center will open with the Whiteboards filter automatically enabled.
  3. Search for the Whiteboard by its name or by text located in shapes, text boxes, and sticky notes on the Whiteboard.

Show, hide, and reorganize columns

The Name column is required in the Whiteboards Hub table. You can choose to show or hide all other columns.

To show or hide columns:

  1. To the far right of the columns, click the + icon.
  2. Choose which columns to show or hide by clicking the toggle on or off.

To reorganize the order of the columns:

  1. Hover over the column you want to move.
  2. Click and hold the drag handle to move it.

Available columns

You can show or hide the following columns in the Whiteboards Hub table:

Column name Description
Location The Whiteboard's location in your Workspace.
Date updated The date the Whiteboard was last edited. Hover over the date to see the exact time it was edited.
Date created The date the Whiteboard was created. Hover over the date to see the exact time it was created.
Created by The user who created the Whiteboard.

Sort by column

The Date updated and Date created columns in the Whiteboards Hub table can be sorted.

To sort by a column, click its header. Click it again to change the sort direction.

The arrow to the right of the column header indicates which direction the column is sorted. You can sort by one column at a time.

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