Request and approve access to tasks

You can share public and private tasks with anyone in or outside your Workspace. If they don't have access to the task or the Workspace, they can request access.

You can also request and approve access to tasks from the mobile app! Currently, the mobile feature is only available for people in your Workspace.

Request access to a public or private task

When you make a task private, you can share it.

People in your Workspace must request access when a private task is shared with them. People outside your Workspace must request access to a public or private task. 

Request access is an advanced permission available on all plans.

To request access to a task:

  1. Click the task link or paste it into a browser.
    • If you're currently logged out, log in.
    • If you do not have a ClickUp account, you'll need to sign up.
  2. When log-in or sign-up is complete, select Request access.
    Image of the request access message
  3. When your request is approved, you'll receive two emails. One allows access to the Workspace and one to the shared task.
    • The request approval is also sent to your Inbox.
  4. To access the shared task, click the task link in your email or Inbox message.

Approve access to a task

Permission to approve a task depends on whether the recipient is in or outside the Workspace.

This table shows which user roles can approve requests by shared task and recipient type:

Task type The recipient is in the Workspace? User roles that can approve the request
Private task Yes The task owner. 
Private task No

Anyone in your Workspace with full permissions for the task and permissions to invite limited members and guests. 

The task owner. 

Public task Yes The task owner. 
Public task No 

Anyone in your Workspace with permissions to invite limited members and guests.

The task owner. 

To approve access to a task from a person in your Workspace:

  1. From your Inbox, click the notification for the access request.
  2. Select Approve.

To approve access to a task from a person outside your Workspace:

  1. From your Inbox, click the notification for the access request. Or from an open task, you can also click the waving hand icon to approve access. 
    • User access defaults to a limited member. If the limited members beta is activated in your Workspace, you'll see limited members invite permissions settings. If it isn't activated in your Workspace the user access will default to guest.
    • To set a different user role or permission, do the following:
    • Click the permission dropdown to the left of the Ignore button.
    • From the Invite as modal, select Guest, Team Member, or Limited Member
    • The access you choose gives the person a permission level for the entire Workspace. 
      Screenshot of the permissions levels in a task access request.
  2. Select Approve.

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