Create a Whiteboard

Need to organize your thoughts or illustrate a process? Create a Whiteboard almost anywhere in your Workspace! 


Whiteboards availability and limits vary by plan and user role. Learn more


Create a Whiteboard

This article covers creating a new Whiteboard and saving it to a Workspace location. To learn how to transform your blank canvas, take a look at our Add items to a Whiteboard article. 

First, you need to choose where to create your Whiteboard. When you create a Whiteboard it opens and automatically saves. The location the Whiteboard saves depends on where it was created. 

Find a Whiteboard

All Whiteboards are also saved in the Whiteboards Hub.

Take a look at the following table to see where Whiteboards are saved:

The location where the Whiteboard is created

The location where the Whiteboard saves

All Whiteboards are also saved in the Whiteboards Hub.

Anywhere in ClickUp that accepts text, you can add a Whiteboard using /Slash Command The Whiteboard is embedded into the location. 
Whiteboards Hub Whiteboards Hub. 
The Sidebar from a Space, Folder, or List The Sidebar in that Space or Folder. Or in the Sidebar in the List's Space or Folder.
The Views Bar A Whiteboard view in the Space, Folder, or List where the view was created.
A Whiteboard template The location that's selected from the Use whiteboard Template modal.
The toolbar Whiteboards Hub.

Create a Whiteboard using a /Slash Command

You can create a Whiteboard anywhere in ClickUp that accepts text. For example, your team uses Whiteboards for sprint planning. You can embed a Whiteboard into the description of each sprint planning task.

To create a Whiteboard using a /Slash Command:

  1. From an open task, type /Whiteboard and select Create a Whiteboard
  2. Type a name for the Whiteboard. 
  3. Click Save.  

Create a Whiteboard from the Whiteboards Hub

To create a Whiteboard from the Whiteboards Hub:

  1. Open your Whiteboards Hub.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click New Whiteboard.
  3. Name the Whiteboard.
    • Whiteboards are available to everyone in your Workspace. To make your Whiteboard private:
    • In the upper-right corner, click Share
    • From the Share this whiteboard modal, click Make Private

Create a Whiteboard from the Sidebar

To create a Whiteboard from the Sidebar:

  1. From the Space, Folder, or List, click the ellipsis ... menu.
  2. Select Create new.
  3. Select Whiteboard
  4. Name the Whiteboard.
    You can also select the following options:
    • Private view: Whiteboards are available to everyone in your Workspace. Click to make your new Whiteboard private to you.
    • Pin view: Pin your Whiteboard to the top of your Workspace for easy access. 
  5. Click Add Whiteboard.

Create a Whiteboard from Chat

If the Chat ClickApp is enabled in your Workspace, you can create a Whiteboard from a Chat message:

  1. When drafting a message, click the New Whiteboard button.
    Screenshot of the New Whiteboard button.png
  2. Name the Whiteboard.
  3. Press Return on Mac or Enter on PC.

Create a Whiteboard view

To create a Whiteboard view:

  1. Open an Everything view, or a Space, Folder, or List.
  2. Select + Add from the Views Bar. Or from the location header, you can click the ellipsis ... then Create new.

    Everything view does not have a location header.

  3. Select Whiteboard.
  4. Name the Whiteboard.
    You can also select the following options:
    • Private view: Whiteboards are available to everyone in your Workspace. Click to make your new Whiteboard private to you.
    • Pin view: Pin your Whiteboard to the top of your Workspace for easy access. 
  5. Click Add Whiteboard.

Create a Whiteboard from the Quick Action menu

To create a Whiteboard from the Quick Action menu:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the toolbar, open the Quick Action menu. 
  2. Select New Whiteboard.
  3. Name the Whiteboard.
  4. Edit the location and privacy.
  5. Click Create Whiteboard.

Create a Whiteboard from the toolbar

To create a Whiteboard from the Create items button in the toolbar:

  1. In the upper-right of your Workspace, click New and select the Whiteboard tab.
  2. By default, Whiteboards are added to the Everything level as a view. You can pick a different location using the location dropdown menu.
  3. Give your Whiteboard a name.
  4. Whiteboards are available to everyone in your Workspace. You can make your new Whiteboard private to you by clicking the Private toggle.
  5. Click Create Whiteboard.

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