Intro to the Hierarchy

Organize all Workspace items, like tasks and Docs, into these Hierarchy locations. This core structure is the key to easily managing all of your work in one place!

The Hierarchy has the following benefits:

  • Provides a scalable structure for your work. You can expand your Hierarchy as your organization grows.
  • Items and locations can be either private or shared. You can manage access to sensitive information.
  • Items and locations can be set up to allow individuals specific actions. You can manage who can do what and where.

There are six Hierarchy levels, starting with the Workspace.

  1. Workspace: Contains your entire organization and all of your work. We recommend having one Workspace per organization. Your organization can grow and all of your work remains visible and in one place.
    The Hierarchy can be easily accessed from your Workspace Sidebar
  2. Spaces: Arrange your different workflows or types of work. You can organize Spaces by departments, teams, high-level initiatives, clients, or anything that makes sense for you to group.
    Each Space has its own settings and can be shared with everyone in your Workspace or made private, allowing you to choose who has access.
  3. Folders: Folders are optional but helpful for more complex workflows. You can add Folders to a Space, and then add Lists inside Folders to keep projects organized. When you create a new Folder, it automatically gets a List.
    Agile software teams, you can use Sprint Folders to keep your sprints organized.
  4. Lists: Contain tasks of a similar type or that have a similar outcome or goal. Lists can be added to Spaces or Folders.
    Agile software teams, you can include regular Lists in a Sprint folder alongside your sprints. Lists are perfect for managing a backlog of tasks before adding them to a sprint.

    Lists are different than a List view. You can create a List view on any level of your Hierarchy.

  5. Tasks: Organize the actionable parts of your projects within your tasks.

    Tasks come with a set of default sections and customizable options to hold all of the info about your work.

  6. Subtasks: Add subtasks to a task to keep track of more granular action items. For complex projects, you can create layers of nested subtasks.

Nested subtasks is a ClickApp that must be enabled by an owner or admin. Software teams, nested subtasks can be used for epics. Or you can organize the cross-functional teams working on the same feature by creating product, design, and engineering nested subtasks.

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