Whiteboards feature availability and limits

Take a look at our article Intro to Whiteboards to learn more about all of our Whiteboards features.

Use Whiteboards

Whiteboards are available on all plans. Usage limits vary by plan in the following way:

Plan Usage limits
Free Forever Can create 3 Whiteboards
Unlimited Can create 10 Whiteboards
Business No limits
Business Plus No limits
Enterprise No limits

Whiteboards availability by user role

Whiteboards availability varies by user role in the following way:

View only guests and Limited members read only

Limited members and permission controlled guests Members, admins, and owners

Can view if the Whiteboard is shared with them

Can't create Whiteboards

Can view if the Whiteboard is shared with them

Can use the Whiteboard if they have edit or full permissions

Can create, apply, update, and delete Whiteboard templates if they have edit or full permissions

Have full permissions to all public Whiteboards

Can be given view only, comment, or edit permissions

Take a look at our articles Guest-type user roles and Owner, admin, and member-type user roles for more detail on these roles. 

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