Ready to switch from Asana to ClickUp? This guide will walk you through importing your projects, tasks, and team members so you can bring all your work into ClickUp!
How long does an import take?
Starting the import process generally takes 2 to 10 minutes. After you've confirmed the import, the actual importing time can vary between 1 minute to a few hours. This is entirely based on how much data you have in Asana as well as Asana's rate limits.
Since Asana does rate limit the import, we have to throttle the speed to ensure we don't hit the rate limit, which is why it can take up to a few hours (or more) if you have lots of attachments.
We'll send you an email as soon as your import is done.
Before you begin
Prepare your Workspace in ClickUp
We recommend setting up your Hierarchy structure in ClickUp first. Create a Space or Spaces to house all of your Asana projects. You can also create Spaces during the import process.
Get your Asana tasks ready
Complete these steps in Asana before you import your work into ClickUp!
Get Ready Checklist:
Move any freestanding tasks into Projects, as freestanding tasks won't be imported.
Nested subtasks are not included in the import. You'll need to manually move the nested subtasks into their parent tasks in ClickUp.
Add a note on tasks that are shared between projects, so you can share them again in ClickUp using Tasks in Multiple Lists.
Add a note on any recurring tasks so you can set up the recurrence using Recurring tasks.
Add a note on any private tasks so you can make them private and set your sharing preferences in ClickUp.
Asana @ mentions will not import into ClickUp.
Now you're ready to import your projects and tasks from Asana to ClickUp and never look back!
Step 1: Start an Import from Asana
- Click your Workspace avatar and select Settings.
- Select Import/Export.
- Select Asana.
- Authorize ClickUp to import your tasks on Asana's website.
After authorizing ClickUp to import your Asana data, you'll be presented with five more steps to complete your import.
Step 2: Select your Asana Workspace
Select the Asana Workspace you wish to Import from using the dropdown menu:
Step 3: Select projects and tasks to import
You can import all Asana Projects to a new or existing ClickUp Space.
You can also customize which Asana Projects to Import, and which Projects will be moved into which Spaces in ClickUp.
Your Asana Projects will be imported into ClickUp public Folders. We recommend keeping related Projects in the same Space so that related projects are organized together!
Spaces and Folders are public by default. This means all members and admins in your Workspace can see the tasks in the Folder.
To make items imported from Asana private, do the following:
- In the upper-left corner, click your Workspace avatar.
- Select Security & Permissions and scroll down to Advanced Permissions.
- To the left of Make new Spaces private, click the toggle to on.
- When importing from Asana, select New Space.
Import Tasks Options
New Space
This option creates a new Space to import your Asana projects into. Each Space will be named after the Asana Project.
Existing Space
Import your projects into any existing ClickUp Space.
Customize Projects and Spaces individually
Select individual Asana projects to import by clicking on Customize Projects individually
Import all projects the same ClickUp Space, or select Customize spaces individually
to import projects into different ClickUp Spaces.
Step 4: Map your Sections as Statuses or Lists
Do you organize your Project Sections as statuses in your project workflow, or are they better off in separate Lists?
Which one should I use?
Sections as Status
If you use sections in Asana for statuses in your workflow such as to do, in progress, and done then you'll want to map your sections to ClickUp as statuses.
In this case, your project will be imported as a new Folder with a list named Imported from Asana.
Sections as List
If you use sections for anything that isn't a task status, then this is the option for you!
You use sections in Asana for organizational purposes rather than moving tasks through a particular workflow.
In this case, your Board will be imported as a new Folder and your columns will become ClickUp Lists.
Customize Projects individually
You also have the option to organize each Asana Project either way. So if you have projects with different uses of Sections you can set them accordingly before importing!
Next, we'll map Asana users into ClickUp!
Step 5: Map Asana users to ClickUp users
You'll see your Asana users on the left. Use the dropdown on the right to select the appropriate ClickUp user who will replace the existing user as the assignee.
You can also invite a user at this step. They don't need to accept the invite for you to import tasks and keep their assigned tasks intact!
Step 6: Choose your Import options
Select from the options to import:
All tasks included closed tasks or only open tasks.
Attachments or not. Imported attachments have a file size limit of 1GB.
Milestones as Milestones, regular tasks, or not at all.
- All Custom Fields will be imported.
Do you want to import closed tasks from Asana?
This option allows you to import all tasks or just open tasks into ClickUp. Generally, we recommend importing all of your tasks—you can reference all past history and attachments in ClickUp.
Do you want to import attachments from Asana?
Most people do want to import attachments from Asana. If you're on the Free Forever Plan and worried about going over your storage limit, then you might want to select 'no' to skip importing attachments.
Unfortunately, Asana does not provide a way to calculate how much data is in your attachments, so you'll only know after the import has been completed.
If you do import attachments and go over the storage limit, you can always delete attachments to bring your Workspace back under the storage limit.
Do you want to import Custom Fields from Asana?
To import Custom Fields from Asana, you'll need to use the CSV import feature in ClickUp.
Next steps
Having trouble with your Import? Check out our Troubleshooting Imports guide.
If you're done with your import and are ready to move stuff around, make sure to take advantage of our Bulk Action Toolbar!