Task List cards

Create a List view using tasks from any location. Task List cards are fully interactive.

From your Dashboard or Overview, you can do anything that's possible in List view. Like editing due dates, changing statuses, or adding columns.

What you'll need

Available Task List cards

Add the following List views in your Overviews and Dashboards quickly and easily:

  • Open Assigned Comments: Create a List of tasks that have any assigned comments
  • Overdue Tasks: Create a List of overdue tasks. 
  • Tasks Due Soon: Create a List of tasks due in the next 14 days. 
  • Priority Tasks: Display a List of urgent and high-priority tasks. 
  • Milestones: Create a List of Milestone task types
  • Task List: Create a custom List view by selecting customization options, like showing tasks in multiple Lists or selecting specific filters.
    Screenshot of a Task List card on a Dashboard.

Add or edit a Task List card

To add a Task List card:

  1. Create a new or open an existing Dashboard.
  2. In the upper right corner, click + Add card
  3. From the left sidebar, select Tables.
  4. Click the Task List card to add it to your Dashboard.
  5. In the upper right corner of the card, click the settings icon to edit card settings.

Customization options

Task List cards are ready to use, all you have to do is pick the location. You can also select some optional settings. 

The following table shows the required and optional settings for each Task List card:

Card option Description


By default, the card's name will be the card type. For example, Milestones or Task List. You can rename a card at any time. 


This is the only required field on all cards. 

Select one or multiple Spaces, Folders, or Lists within your Workspace.

Group by

Choose how the tasks are organized.
Include archived Click the toggle to include or exclude archived tasks.
Include closed Include tasks in closed status. 
Show tasks in multiple Lists When you select multiple Lists that include the same task, show the task multiple times.
Show subtasks in multiple Lists

Include Subtasks in Multiple Lists. Subtasks in multiple Lists may be shown more than once, resulting in duplicates.

Show Breadcrumbs

Display breadcrumbs on your card to see all the locations of each task.


Only available for the Task List card. 

Add additional filters to further adjust the scope of your card.

Use a Task List card

Interact with your Task List card just like you would with tasks in List view. For example, you can change the Assignee, Due date, or Priority of a task from the card. 

Screenshot of someone changing the Priority of a task from High to Urgent on a Task List card.

Make this card easy to find by adding it to your Favorites in Dashboards Hub.

Task List card options

Once your card is created, you can hover over it to display several options in the upper-right corner. Your Dashboard must be in Edit mode to see all options.

Card option Description
Group Choose how your tasks are organized on the card.
Customize how you display subtasks. There are three different options:
  • Collapse all: Hide all subtasks from view. Click the subtask icon to expand them in place.
  • Expand all: Expand subtasks directly beneath their parent tasks.
  • As separate tasks: Display subtasks as separate items from their parent tasks. This option also makes subtasks visible in your filtering results.
Filters Apply a filter to only see the tasks you want. Any filters applied when the card was created or last edited will be saved. You can also apply mixed filters.
Show closed Show any tasks in Closed status.
Refresh card Refresh the card to see the most current information.
View in fullscreen Open the card in fullscreen.
Settings Edit the card settings.
Ellipsis menu Use the ellipsis ... menu to:
  • Duplicate: Duplicate the card on the current Dashboard.
  • Delete card: Delete the card.
Search tasks Search for any tasks in the Lists that are shown on the card.
Customize Choose which information appears on the task List card using the following options:

Layout options, Page layout:

Layout options, Task visibility:

  • Closed tasks: Show tasks in closed status.  
  • Closed subtasks: Show closed subtasks
  • Tasks from other Lists: Show tasks created in other Lists and added to this one.
  • Subtasks from other Lists: Show subtasks created in other Lists and added to this one.
  • Tasks in Multiple Lists: Show tasks added to this List from another location.
  • Subtasks in Multiple Lists: Show subtasks created in other Lists and added to this one.

Fields: Select the Custom Fields for your List. 

Group: Choose how your tasks are organized on the card.

Subtasks: Customize how you display subtasks. There are three different options:

  • Collapse all: Hide all subtasks from view. Click the subtask icon to expand them in place.
  • Expand all: Expand subtasks directly beneath their parent tasks.
  • As separate tasks: Display subtasks as separate items from their parent tasks. This option also makes subtasks visible in your filtering results.

Export view: Can be exported

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