Use Docs on mobile

View, create, and edit your content from anywhere using Docs and pages on mobile.

Rich text formatting, such as bullet points, checklists, and more, allows you to customize as needed.

Changes made to Docs on mobile instantly update on other devices.

Screenshot of a Doc on mobile.png

What you'll need

  • Mobile Docs are available on every ClickUp plan.
  • Everyone, including guests, can use mobile Docs.
  • Guests can't create Docs.

Access Docs on mobile

Access Docs on the mobile app.

Search all Docs

To search all Docs on mobile:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar at the bottom of the app, click Search.
    • Alternatively, tap Search at the top of the Sidebar.
  2. Under the search bar, tap the Docs filter.
    Screenshot of the Docs filter when searching on mobile.png
  3. Type a keyword in the Doc name or content.

Search Docs from the Sidebar

To find Docs using the Sidebar on mobile:

  1. From the left side of your screen, swipe right to open the Sidebar.
  2. Tap Docs.
  3. Select a category:
    • All
    • Assigned to me
    • Shared with me
    • Private
  4. Select a Doc.

Open a Doc view

To open a Doc view on mobile:

  1. From the left side of your screen, swipe right to open the Sidebar.
  2. Navigate to Everything, a Space, a Folder, or a List.
  3. At the top, under the location name, tap the view button.
  4. Select a Doc view.

Open a Task view

If you created a Doc within your task on the desktop or browser app, you can access it from the task:

  1. Open the task.
  2. Swipe down to the Attachments section.
  3. If the Doc is visible, tap the name of the Doc.
    • If the Doc is not visible, tap the Attachments header to open all attachments. Tap the Doc to open it.

Create a Doc on mobile

Create Docs and add pages from the mobile app!

Edit or delete a Doc on mobile

Edit or delete Docs and pages from the mobile app.

Search for pages on mobile

To search for a page within your Doc:

  1. Open the Doc.
  2. In the upper-right corner, tap the pages icon.
  3. Type the name of the page in the search bar.
  4. Search results filter automatically.
  5. Tap the page to open it.

Settings and preferences

Access detailed Docs settings and preferences like creating templates or accessing Doc history on the web and desktop app.

View Doc information on mobile

At the top of each Doc, you can see the author and the exact date and time of the latest update.

View, resolve, reply, and react to Doc and page comments on mobile

Interact with Doc comments from the mobile app.

To view Doc comments:

  1. Open a Doc.
  2. In the upper-right corner, tap the comments icon.
  3. By default, you will be viewing all open comments. You can filter for comments assigned to you or resolved comments using the filters at the top.

You can resolve comments by tapping the Resolve checkbox.

To reply to a comment:

  1. Tap the comment to open a thread.
  2. At the bottom, tap Reply to this thread.
  3. Type your response and tap the send icon.

To react to a comment:

  1. Hover over the comment and tap the emoji button.
    • Alternatively, tap and hold the comment.
  2. Tap an emoji to react to the comment.

Share Docs or pages on mobile

You can share Docs and pages from anywhere using the mobile app!

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