Use date fields in Dashboard cards

Easily organize the data captured by date fields into a specific time range to visualize trends in a Bar, Pie, Battery, or Line chart. You can select a Date Custom Field or task date fields like Date created and Due date. 

Create a Dashboard to show how many articles each team published per month this year. Or quickly see the number of new hires in the past 90 days by week.

What you'll need

  • 100 uses of Dashboards are available on the Free Forever Plan. Uses include the following actions:
    • Create a Dashboard
    • View a Dashboard
    • Add a card
    • Edit a card
    • Remove a card
    • Remove a Dashboard
  • Unlimited uses of Dashboards are available on the Unlimited Plan and above.
  • Some cards are only available on the Business Plan and above (which ones?).
  • The Dashboards ClickApp is enabled in every new Workspace by default, but a Workspace owner or admin may disable the ClickApp.
  • Guests can be invited to specific Dashboards with view-only permissions.
  • Certain cards can be exported on the Business Plan and above.

Create a Date Custom Field

Custom Fields are a ClickApp that must be enabled by an owner or admin. A Date Custom Field uses a custom date and time that's formatted the same way as other dates in ClickUp.

To create a Date Custom Field:

  1. Create a Custom Field from the Space, Folder, or List. Or create a Custom Field with Custom Field Manager.
  2. From the modal, select Date.   
  3. Customize the field.
    • To make sure that the necessary data is recorded, you can require this Custom Field.
  4. Click Create.

Task date fields

Task date fields are available in all tasks. Some of these fields are set automatically, others need to be manually set.

The following task date fields are available:

Task date field Description Automatically set?
Date created Display tasks that were created on a specific date or within a set timeframe.  Yes.
Date closed

Display tasks that were moved to the Closed status during a specific time range. 

  • Tasks marked with the Closed status are totally complete.
  • Complete is the default Closed status.
  • You can't create custom Closed statuses. 
Yes. Set when you change status to the Closed status. 
Date done

Display tasks that were moved to a Done status during a specific time range. 

  • Tasks marked with a Done status are complete but need to remain open.
  • For example, all engineering is complete on a sprint task but the marketing team still needs access to it.
Yes. Set when you change to a Done status. 
Due date Display tasks with specific due dates No. You'll need to manually enter a Due date. 
Start date  Display tasks with specific start dates No. You'll need to manually enter a Start date. 

Use date fields in a Dashboard card

You can select task date fields and Date Custom Fields from the Dates tab in a Line, Bar, Pie, or Battery Chart card.

To use Date Custom Fields, you'll need a Date Custom Field in the locations containing your reporting data. You can change the format of your date Custom Fields by updating your date format in My Settings.

To use date fields:

  1. Create or edit an existing Line, Bar, Pie, or Battery Chart card.
  2. Select the locations containing the data you're reporting on.
  3. Select your date field. Field location differs between Line Chart cards, Barcards, and Pie and Battery cards.  
    • Line cards: From the X Axis dropdown, select a date field. Time is not a date field. 
    • Bar cards: From the X Axis dropdown select Dates then your date field. Time is not a date field. 
    • Pie and Battery cards: The Group by option is the x-axis for these cards. From the Group by dropdown select Dates then your date field.
      For all cards, Custom Fields are found in the lower section of the selected dropdown. Hover over the Custom Field name to see how many locations the field is located in. Formula Fields are only supported by Bar cards. 

      Use Custom Field Manager to view all Custom Fields in each location of your Workspace.

  4. Under Time range, click the first dropdown to set one of the following time ranges:
    • This yearThis month, or This week: Select a time range of this year, month, or week.
    • Choose rolling period: Select a relative time range between 1 and 365 days. The card will automatically continue to report on that same range of time.
    • Range: Select a custom range of dates.
      Screenshot of a Bar chart card showing the options described above.
  5. Under Time range, click the second dropdown to choose to view y-axis data by day, week, or month for the time range selected in the first dropdown. 
  6. Select any optional settings or filters.
    • Bar chart cards also have the option to show dates that have no data.
      For example, your Dashboard shows the number of new hires in the past 90 days by week. There were no hires in the last week of December. If you don't want to see this week in the Dashboard, you can deselect Show empty dates

  7. Click Add card.  

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