Manage Automations

Manage the Automations in your Workspace.

From Manage Automations, you can edit your Automations, filter to find Automations, switch Workspace locations, create a new Automation, and view the Active and Inactive Automations in that location.

Screenshot highlighting the Manage tab in Automations.png

What you'll need

  • The Workspace admin or owner must enable the Automation ClickApp.
  • Guests can't set up Automations.
  • The number of total active Automations that you can have in your Workspace depends on your plan:
    • Free Forever: 5 total active Automations.
    • Unlimited: 500 total active Automations.
    • Business and above: Unlimited total active Automations.
  • The number of Actions that can be completed per month depends on your plan:
    • Free Forever: 100 Actions/month.
    • Unlimited: 1,000 Actions/month.
    • Business: 10,000 Actions/Month. 
    • Business Plus: 25,000 Actions/month. 
    • Enterprise: 250,000 Actions/month. 
  • Action limits reset on the first of every month (PST).
  • Usage alert emails are sent to owners and admins of Workspaces when an Automations usage is at 90% and when usage is over 100%.
  • Business Plans and up can purchase more Automation Actions.
  • Webhook actions and Automation integrations are available for Business Plans and above.

Access Manage Automations

Automations are not accessible from Everything view

To access the Manage Automations modal:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the view, click Automations
    • Alternatively, you can access this modal from the Sidebar by clicking the ellipsis ... menu next to a location, selecting the settings tab, then clicking Automations.

  2. At the top of the Automations modal, select Manage.

Edit Automations

From the Manage tab, you can edit each Automation in the following ways:

  • Add Description: Add a description in the lower-left corner to let people know what the Automation does.
  • Duplicate: Create a new Automation based on an existing one.
    • Duplicate in the current Location: Create a duplicate Automation in the same Space, Folder, or List.
    • Duplicate to another Location: Create a new Automation in another Space, Folder, or List in your Workspace, based on an existing one.

  • Edit: Hover over the far-right corner of the Automation. Use the pencil icon to edit each Automation.
  • Delete: Hover over the upper-right corner of the Automation. Use the trash can icon to delete an Automation.
  • Enable/Disable: In the upper-right corner of the Automation, use the toggle to turn the Automation off and on.
  • Updated by: See who last edited the Automation. Hover over their name to see the date and time they last updated the Automation.

Screenshot of the hover menu options.png

Duplicate to another location

To duplicate an Automation to another location, from the Manage page:

  1. Browse for the Automation.
  2. Hover over the far-right corner of the Automation. 
  3. Click the duplicate icon, then select Duplicate to a different location.
  4. Pick the Space, Folder, or List where the new Automation will be created.
  5. Click Duplicate Automation.
  6. The Automation manager will automatically switch to the new location, and create a new Automation.
  7. Review the new Automation.

    If the options used in the original Automation aren't available in the new location, the new Automation will use the default Triggers, Conditions, and Actions.

    For example, an Automation on a List called Projects is triggered by changes to the Budget Custom Field which has only been added to the Projects List.

    When duplicating the Automation to the Reviews List, the trigger of the new Automation will default to Status changes.

  8. Click Duplicate.
  9. The new Automation has been created in the new location!

Switch locations

In the upper-left corner of the Manage page, click the location dropdown to switch to other locations. 

Archived Lists, Folders, and Spaces are not displayed.

Active and Inactive Automations

Below the location switcher on the Manage page, open the Active tab to do the following:  

    • Enter a description for the Automations.
    • Click the toggle to the far right to make the Automation inactive. 

Below the location switcher on the Manage page, open the Inactive tab to do the following:  

  • Delete, duplicate, or edit the Automation.
  • Click the toggle to the far right to make the Automation active.

Filter to find Automations

The Trigger, Condition, Action, and Updated by filters display options based on the Automations setup for your current location.

For example, if the Automations for a List only use the Status changes Trigger, then the only option displayed under the Trigger filter will be Status changes.

Each active filter will be highlighted. You'll see options to select all, unselect all, and clear all appear as you add and remove filters and set criteria.

Use the following dropdowns to filter Automations:

  • Trigger: Select one or more Automation Triggers.
  • Condition: Select one or more Automation Conditions.
  • Action: Select one or more Automation Actions.
  • Updated by: Select one more users.

Combine multiple Automation filters

You can combine the filters available on the manage tab of the Automation modal. The filters use the OR operator within each filter and the AND operator between filters.

For example, select two Trigger filters: Status changes and Custom Field changes. This will show Automations that use either Status changes or Custom Field changes as the Trigger.

Then, let's add an Action filter to see Automations that add a comment.

This will display Automations that are triggered by Status changes or Custom Fields changes and that use the add comment Action.

You'll see the number of criteria shown next to each active filter.

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