Record Clip screen recordings

Record team trainings and demos. Record project plans to unite team objectives. Provide feedback on a team member's work.  

What you'll need

  • Clips are available on every plan.
    • If you're on the Free Forever Plan, Clip recordings use storage space.
  • Before using Clip screen recording, an owner or admin must enable the Clips ClickApp for the Workspace.
  • For Mac users, learn how to allow screen recording.
  • Clips have a 45-minute limit.
  • Clips created by people who are no longer in your Workspace remain accessible via URL. Clips created in a task comment are also accessible from the comment.
  • Clips are kept in your Workspace forever, unless they are manually deleted.

Record and send Voice Clips

This article covers Clip screen recordings. You can also use Clip to record audio. Take a look at our article Record and send Voice Clips to learn more!

Enable the ClickApp

Before using Clip to record, an owner or admin must enable the ClickApp for the Workspace.

To enable the ClickApp:

  1. In the upper-left corner, click your Workspace avatar.
  2. Select Apps, then ClickApps.
  3. Browse or search for Clip: Record & Share and enable it.

Record a screen Clip

Once the ClickApp is enabled, you can start recording.

To record a new screen Clip from the toolbar, a comment, or the Clips Hub:

  1. Open the toolbar's Quick Action menu, a task comment, or the Clips Hub.
    • From the Quick Action menu, select Clips.
    • From a task comment, select the video icon. You can also record a Voice Clip from a task comment.
    • In the Clips Hub in the upper-right corner, click New Clip
  2. From the Record Clip modal, click the default audio input. The following audio options are available:
    • No microphone: Don't allow audio recording. 
    • Default: The default for your device. 
    • If your device has additional audio recording options, these may display. 
    • If your device has the Zoom integration, ZoomAudioDevice will also display. 
  3. Under the default audio settings, click the default recording option. The following recording options are available:
    • Full screen: Record the full screen. 
    • Window: Record an open browser window. 
    • Current tab: Record an open browser tab. 
      Screenshot of the recording options dropdown.
  4. Click Start recording. Or use the keyboard shortcut Cmd + Option + S.
    • Depending on your browser, you may be asked to confirm your recording option.
  5. Confirm that you want to share your audio and screen by clicking Share.
  6. After a three-second countdown, the recording begins.
    • While recording, you can restart, pause, or delete the Clip using the controls in the comment or upper-right corner of the toolbar.
  7. To stop recording, in the upper-right corner of the toolbar, click the stop icon.
  8. In the lower-left corner, the Clip created modal has the following options:
    • Play the Clip: Click the play icon, adjust the volume or playback speed, or open the Clip in fullscreen. 
    • Create a task: Create a new task and attach the Clip.
    • New tab: Open the Clip in a new tab. 
    • Copy link: Copy the link to the Clip to share it anywhere.
  9. After you stop recording, the Clip is saved in your Clips Hub

Comment on a Clip

You can comment on a clip from a comment or the Clips Hub.

When you view a Clip, you'll see a timeline of all comments on the video progress bar at the bottom so you can quickly navigate through all comments on the Clip. Each comment you leave includes a timestamp that can be clicked to play the Clip from the moment the comment was left.

Comment on a Clip from a comment

To comment on a Clip from a comment:

  1. Hover over the upper-right corner of the Clip and click New tab or Preview.
  2. In the lower-right corner of the Clip modal, click Add comment.
  3. Click the video at the place where you want to leave a comment. Your avatar displays with the comment.
  4. Type your comment into the text box.
    • Comments are automatically assigned to anyone but can be manually assigned to an individual or Team before sending.
    • You can also record a Voice Clip comment. 
  5. Click Send.
  6. The Clip comment will display in the Clip Activity and the task's Activity tab as a new comment. Assignees and watchers will be notified of the comment.

Comment on a Clip from the Clips Hub

Learn how to comment on a Clip from the Clips Hub.

Share a Clip

You can share a Clip from a comment or the Clips Hub.

When you paste a Clip URL in a ClickUp task description, comment, or Doc, the Clip is automatically embedded.

Anyone with the link to a Clip can access it.

Share a Clip from a comment

To share a Clip you recorded in a comment:

  1. Click the Clip embedded in a comment to expand it.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click the share icon.
  3. The Clip URL is copied to your clipboard.

Share a Clip from the Clips Hub

Learn how to share a Clip from the Clips Hub.

Transcribe a Clip

If you have ClickUp AI enabled in your Workspace, it will automatically transcribe all Clips.

When viewing an expanded Clip, the transcription plays along with the Clip automatically. To view the entire transcript with timestamps, click Transcript in the right sidebar.

Click a transcript snippet to skip to that timestamp in the Clip.

When you ask ClickUp AI a question, ClickUp Brain searches the transcripts of all Clips you've created to find an answer.

Copy snippets and transcripts

You can copy snippets or the entire transcript.

To copy a snippet:

  1. Hover over the snippet.
  2. Click the Copy icon.
    Screenshot of the copy button in a Clip transcription.
  3. The snippet's text is copied to your clipboard.

To copy the entire Clip transcript:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the transcript, click Copy all.
  2. The entire transcript's text is copied to your clipboard.

Download a Clip

You can download a Clip from the Clips Hub, or from a comment.

Download a Clip from the Clips Hub

Learn how to download a Clip from the Clips Hub.

Download a Clip from a comment

To download a Clip from a comment:

  1. Click the Clip embedded in a comment to expand it.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click Download.

Rename a Clip

If ClickUp AI is activated in your Workspace, Clips automatically get AI-generated titles. The Clip creator can rename Clips from a comment or the Clips Hub.

Rename a Clip from a comment

To rename a Clip that was recorded from a comment:

  1. Click the Clip embedded in a comment to expand it.
  2. Click the Clip name to edit it.
  3. Rename the Clip.

Rename a Clip from the Clips Hub

Clips recorded anywhere in your Workspace can be renamed from the Clips Hub.

Learn how to rename a Clip from the Clips Hub.

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