Clips Hub

Clips 3.0 introduces the Clips Hub!

Use the Clips Hub to organize, record, or search your Clips from a centralized location! New Clips are automatically added to the Clips Hub.

Clips 3.0, including the Clips Hub, is currently in beta. Once the beta has concluded, you'll retain access to all Clips you created during the beta regardless of your plan type. 

What you'll need

  • The Clips Hub is available for free on every ClickUp plan during beta. Pricing and plan limitations are subject to change after the beta.
    • If you're on the Free Forever Plan, Clip recordings use storage space.
  • The Clips Hub is not available on the ClickUp desktop app.
  • The Clips Hub is available on all browsers. It works best on Chrome and Firefox.
  • Clip screen recording only works on Chrome and Firefox.
  • Before using Clip screen recording, and owner or admin must enable the Clips ClickApp for the Workspace.
  • Only Clips you record are displayed in the Clips Hub.

Open the Clips Hub

You can open the Clips Hub from the Sidebar or the toolbar.

Open the Clips Hub from the Sidebar

To open the Clips Hub from the Sidebar, click Clips.

Screenshot of Clips in the Sidebar.

Open the Clips Hub from the toolbar

To open the Clips Hub from the toolbar:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Quick Action menu.
  2. Select Clips.
  3. Click Go to Clips hub.

Pin or unpin the Clips Hub

By default, the Clips Hub is pinned to the Sidebar.

To unpin the Clips Hub:

  1. In the Sidebar, hover over Clips.
  2. Click the ellipsis... icon.
  3. Select Unpin from sidebar.
  4. The Clips Hub is now accessible from the More button in the Sidebar.

Record Clips

You can record new Clips directly from the Clips Hub.

If it's your first time using Clip on your browser, you'll see a popup to grant ClickUp access to your microphone. Click Allow. Permission can be granted at a later time by visiting your browser's Privacy & Security settings.

To record a new Clip from the Clips Hub:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click New Clip.
  2. From the Record Clip modal, click the default audio input to select a different one.
  3. Under the default audio setting, you'll see one of the following recording options:
    • Full screen
    • Window
    • Current tab
      • Click the default option to select a different option.
  4. Click Start recording. Or use the keyboard shortcut Cmd + Option + S.
    • Depending on your browser, you may be asked to confirm your recording option.
  5. Click Share.
  6. After a three-second countdown, the recording will begin.
  7. While recording, you can stop, restart, pause, or delete the Clip using the controls in the comment or upper-right corner of the toolbar.
  8. When you stop recording, the Clip will open in a new browser tab. In your original ClickUp tab, you can track its upload progress or download the Clip from the popup in the lower-left corner.
  9. Upon completion, the popup in the lower-left corner displays options to:
    • Create new task: Create a new task and attach the Clip.
    • Copy link: Copy the link to the Clip to share it anywhere.
  10. The Clip is available to view from your Clips Hub.

Learn how to record Clips from the toolbar or comments!

Comment on Clips

When you view a Clip, you'll see a timeline of all comments on the video progress bar at the bottom so you can quickly navigate through all comments on the Clip. Each comment you leave includes a timestamp that can be clicked to play the Clip from the moment the comment was left.

To comment on a Clip from the Clips Hub:

  1. Click the Clip.
  2. In the right sidebar, click Activity.
    Screenshot of 2 comments on a Clip.
  3. At the moment in the Clip you want to leave the comment, click the location in the recording you want to display your personal avatar.
  4. Type your comment. Comments are automatically assigned to anyone, but can be manually assigned to an individual or Team before sending.
  5. Click Send.
  6. The Clip comment will display in the Clip Activity.

Share Clips

To share a Clip from the Clips Hub:

  1. Hover over the Clip and click the link icon.
  2. The Clip URL is copied to your clipboard.

Anyone with the link to a Clip can access it.

Search for Clips

To search for Clips from the Clips Hub:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click Search.
  2. Type the name of the Clip.
  3. Results automatically filter by name.

Change the Clips Hub layout

To switch between List view and Gallery view, click the icons in the upper-right corner of the Clips Hub.

Screenshot of the List view button in Clips Hub.

Rename, download, or delete a Clip

You can rename, download, or delete a Clip from Clips Hub.

When viewing the Clips Hub in List view:

  1. To the right of a Clip, click the ellipsis ... menu.
  2. Select from the following options:
    • Rename
    • Download
    • Delete

When viewing the Clips Hub in Gallery view:

  1. Hover over a Clip and click the ellipsis ... menu.
  2. Select from the following options:
    • Rename
    • Download
    • Delete

Screenshot of the ellipsis menu of a Clip in Clips Hub.

Customize columns

When viewing the Clips Hub's List view, you can customize its columns.

The Name column is required in the Clips Hub table. All other columns can be shown or hidden.

Show or hide columns

By default, the Name, Date created, and Created by columns are displayed.

To show or hide columns:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Clips table, click the plus icon.
  2. Choose which columns to show or hide by clicking the toggle on or off.

Screenshot of the Clips Hub column options.

The following columns are available when viewing the Clips Hub in List view:

Column name Description
Name The name of the Clip. This column cannot be hidden.
Location If the Clip was created in a task, you'll see the task name here. Click the task name to open it.
Date updated Date the Clip was last edited. Hover over the date to see the exact time it was last edited.
Date created Date the Clip was created. Hover over the date to see the exact time it was created.
Created by The person who recorded the Clip.

Reorganize columns

To reorganize the order of the columns:

  1. Hover over the column header.
  2. Click and drag the drag handle left or right.

Sort Clips

By default, Clips are sorted by the date they were created. You can reverse the sort direction in List and Gallery view.

Reverse sort direction in List view

To reverse the sort direction of Clips in List view, click the Date created column header.

Reverse sort direction in Gallery view

To reverse the sort direction of Clips in Gallery view:

  1. In the upper-right, click Sort.
  2. Click Date created.

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