Set up your tasks to view only relevant information by filtering in Board View.
Choose to apply one or more of the following filters:
Status: View only tasks within a particular status.
Due date: Filter out tasks that aren't going to be required in the near future. Select a specific date or a before/after date.
Start date: See all tasks with specified start dates. Select a specific date or a before/after date.
Date created: See tasks created on a certain date, or within a certain timeframe.
Date updated: Display the tasks that people have recently worked on. Select a specific date or a before/after date.
Date closed: See tasks that were closed on a particular date, or within a certain timeframe.
- Duration: Filter tasks by duration.
Priority: Sift out tasks that don't require immediate attention.
Tags: Set your filter to match any or all selected Tags. You can also search for all tasks that do not contain tags.
Assigned comments: Refine your task list and only show tasks with assigned comments.
Recurring: See only the recurring tasks in your workflow.
Assignee: View tasks assigned to a specific person in your Workspace.
Watcher: View tasks based on who is watching them.
Creator: View tasks created by specific people.
Dependencies: See which tasks are "waiting on" or "blocking" others
Archived: Show tasks that are archived, or include archived tasks in your overall filtering view
Time estimated: View tasks that have a time estimation greater than, less than, or equal to a certain value.
Time logged: View tasks that have time logged greater than, less than, or equal to a certain value.
Custom Fields: Filter by a completely unique task field that you create to set a value, budget, or really anything for a task.
You can filter by private Custom Fields!
- Last status change: Filter tasks based on the most recent status change. You can select a specific date range or use a custom range.
- Custom Relationships: Filter tasks by a specific Custom Relationship.
Tips for filtering
Below are some of our favorite workflow tips for filtering:
Take your Board view filters on the go with our mobile app!
When filtering by the due date or start date, try applying the Today & Earlier option. This will allow you to see all tasks that are overdue or due today, as well as tasks with start dates on or before today.
Keep in mind that you can save your filtering options and favorite views to come back to them at any time!
When filtering by one or more Custom Fields, you can enter specific characters that a task contains or does not contain within a Field.