Azure DevOps Sync integration

Save time switching between Azure DevOps and ClickUp. Use the Azure DevOps Sync integration to sync your Azure DevOps projects and work items with your ClickUp Workspace.

Sync integrations are in beta.

What you'll need

What is synced

Some work item data syncs two ways with ClickUp tasks, while other data only syncs one way. The tables below shows how each work item field syncs.

Two-way sync

The following work item data syncs both ways between Azure DevOps and ClickUp:

Work item field ClickUp task field
Name Name
State Status


Markdown formatting is not supported. If there is formatting on either side, it will be lost when it is synced.



Threaded comments don't sync.


One-way sync

The following work item data syncs from Azure DevOps to ClickUp, but not vice versa.

Work item field ClickUp task field


The emails used in ADO and ClickUp must match to sync.

Tags Tags
Priority Priority
Start date Start date
Due date Due date
Number Text Custom Field
Relationship Task link

Start the sync

We recommend creating a new admin account in your Workspace to set up the sync. A service account with admin access is preferred.

To start the sync:

  1. Using a ClickUp account with the same email as the Azure DevOps account with necessary permissions, open the App Center.

  2. Search for and select Azure DevOps Sync.
  3. Select Manage.
  4. Click Sign In with Azure DevOps.
  5. Choose an OAuth 2.0 grant type and input your organization, API version, username, and personal access token.

    Read Microsoft’s guides on setting up personal access tokens and DevOps API versioning

  6. Click Connect.
  7. After authentication finishes, click Start Sync to sync all of your Azure DevOps projects and work items. Once the status is Syncing, you can exit the modal or ClickUp.

Depending on the number of projects and work items you have, the sync could take several hours. You can continue working in ClickUp and check the progress of the sync any time from the App Center.

If a task fails the sync, open the task to see why. Errors are displayed as task comments from the admin who set up the integration.

Use the integration

After the sync is complete, you'll see a new Space called Azure DevOps that contains Folders for each Azure DevOps project. These Folders contain Lists representing each Azure DevOps work item type. Each List contains tasks for every work item.

You can add a task to a new location using Tasks In Multiple Lists and the sync will continue unless the original Azure DevOps List is deleted.

Pause the sync

You can pause the sync at any time.

From the App Center:

  1. Search for and select Azure DevOps Sync.
  2. Select Manage.
  3. Click Stop Sync. You can resume any time by clicking Start Sync.

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