Sync all account and opportunity updates between ClickUp and Salesforce, so you don't have to leave ClickUp to see and manage your records. The sync automatically generates tasks for all your accounts and opportunities in an organized ClickUp Space, so you can update them and see the changes reflected in Salesforce automatically.
If you need real-time visibility to search for and preview Salesforce records in ClickUp, use the Salesforce Connected Search integration!
Sync integrations are in beta.
What you'll need
- The Salesforce Sync integration is available on the Business Plus and Enterprise Plans.
- Workspace owners and admins can set up the Salesforce Sync integration.
What is synced
Salesforce accounts and opportunities sync with ClickUp tasks.
After the sync is complete, account tasks display in the Salesforce Accounts List and opportunity tasks display in the Salesforce Opportunities List.
Salesforce account names sync both ways. The other account fields are added to the ClickUp task's description.
Salesforce opportunity names and statuses sync both ways. The other opportunity fields are added to the ClickUp tasks's description.
Create an admin account
We recommend creating a new admin account in your Workspace to set up the sync. A service account with admin access is preferred.
If you are unable to create a new admin account, please ensure the following is done for the user setting up the sync:
- Enable API use for the user in Salesforce. Read Salesforce's documentation for detailed steps.
- Ensure the user has permission to read, write, edit, delete, view all, and modify all opportunities and accounts. Read this Salesforce article for more information.
Start the sync
To start the sync:
- Using a ClickUp account with the same email as the Salesforce account with necessary permissions, open the App Center.
- Search for and select Salesforce Sync.
- Select Manage.
- Click Sign In with Salesforce.
- Click Connect and sign in to your Salesforce account.
- After authentication finishes, click Start Sync to sync all of your Salesforce accounts and opportunities. Once the status is Syncing, you can exit the modal or ClickUp.
Depending on the number of accounts and opportunities you have, the sync could take several hours. You can continue working in ClickUp and check the progress of the sync any time from the App Center.
If a task fails the sync, open the task to see why. Errors are displayed as task comments from the admin who set up the integration.
Explore your Salesforce Space
After the set up is complete, you'll see a new Space called Salesforce. In the Space, you'll see a List for Salesforce accounts and a List for Salesforce opportunities. In each List, you'll see a task for each individual Salesforce account and opportunity.
If there is an equivalent ClickUp assignee, they will automatically be assigned to their account and opportunity tasks.
Every task includes four Custom Fields with important information:
- Salesforce Object ID
- Salesforce Object URL
- Related Salesforce Account
- Related Salesforce Opportunity
We recommend adding these Custom Fields as columns to your List view!
Create and sync accounts and opportunities
When you create a new task in one of the Salesforce Lists, an identical Salesforce account or opportunity will be created and vice versa.
Watch our video guides on syncing accounts and syncing opportunities!
When you change a task status in ClickUp, it will update the equivalent account or opportunity in Salesforce and vice versa.
You can add a task to a new location using Tasks In Multiple Lists and the sync will continue unless the original Salesforce account or opportunity List is deleted.
Pause the sync
You can pause the sync at any time.
From the App Center:
- Search for and select Salesforce Sync.
- Select Manage.
- Click Stop Sync. You can resume any time by clicking Start Sync.
Remove a Salesforce account or opportunity
If you want to remove a Salesforce account or opportunity from ClickUp, delete the task created for it. Deleted account and opportunity tasks will not be affected in Salesforce, but it will no longer sync.