Create tasks and reminders on your Apple Watch

At work and think of something you need to grab on the way home? On a walk and want to jot down a reminder without pulling out your phone?
Create tasks and reminders on the go using your Apple Watch! Tasks and reminders created this way automatically sync with your Workspace across all platforms.

What you’ll need

  • The ClickUp app for the Apple Watch is available on all plans.
  • Everyone, including guests, can use the Apple Watch ClickUp app.

Create a reminder

To create a reminder on your Apple Watch:
  1. Open the ClickUp app.
  2. At the top of your screen, tap the reminder icon.
  3. Name your reminder using one of the following options:
    • Microphone icon: Dictate the name of your reminder out loud.
    • Scribble icon: Scribble the name of your reminder on your watch face.
    • Keyboard icon: Use another Apple device, like your iPhone.

When you create a reminder, you'll see it across all of your Workspaces. Others cannot see reminders you create unless you delegate them.

Create a reminder using Siri

You can create reminders with your Apple Watch using Siri.

When you create a reminder using Siri, your command needs to start or end with "in ClickUp" or "using ClickUp." For example, you could say: "Hey Siri. Remind me to pick up lunch at 1:00 this afternoon in ClickUp."

To create a reminder using Siri:
  1. Say "Hey Siri" or hold down the digital crown button on the right side of your Apple Watch to activate Siri.
  2. Say, "Remind me to [reminder name] on/at [due date and time] in ClickUp.

Complete a reminder

To complete a reminder on your Apple Watch:
  1. Tap the reminder.
  2. Tap Complete.

Create a task using Siri

Create tasks on your Apple Watch using Siri.
When you create a reminder using Siri, your command needs to start or end with "in ClickUp" or "using ClickUp." For example, you could say: "Hey Siri. Add pay rent to my bills List in ClickUp."
To create a task using Siri:
  1. Say "Hey Siri" or hold down the digital crown button on the right side of your Apple Watch to activate Siri.
  2. Say "Add [task name] to my [List name] List in ClickUp."

Check tasks and reminders

See an overview of your tasks and reminders on the Home page of the app.
You can adjust which tasks and reminders are visible by tapping the filter icon in the upper-left corner. Choose from the following options:
  • Today: View tasks and reminders due today.
  • Overdue: View overdue tasks and reminders.
  • Next: View tasks and reminders due tomorrow or later.
  • No due date: View tasks and reminders with no due date assigned.
Tap on any task to see its status, due date, assignees, and Priority.

Switch Workspaces

Tap the Workspace avatar in the upper-right corner to switch between Workspaces.

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