Create tasks and comments via email

Turn emails into actionable tasks or comments by forwarding them using a unique URL in a task or List.

You can also send emails from tasks in your Workspace!

What you'll need

  • You can create tasks and comments via email on every ClickUp plan.
  • Guests can create tasks and add comments via email if the unique email address is shared with them, but they cannot view the email address in ClickUp.
  • For integration workflows, we recommend using the ClickUp API instead of email to create large quantities of tasks. We do not currently support the automation of this feature.

Create tasks via email

To create a task via email:

  1. In your left Sidebar, hover over the List you want to create a task in.
  2. Click the ellipsis ... icon.
  3. Click Email to List.

    Email addresses are unique to each user.

  4. Click Copy.
    • Check the Skip this modal and copy link everytime checkbox to increase efficiency next time you create a task via email.

      Save task and List addresses to your contacts to create tasks from anywhere.

  5. Create a new email and paste the List address into the recipient field. Fill out the email with any task details you'd like added.
  6. Once you send the email, the task is created. The email will be added as an attachment to the task. Tasks created via email automatically add you as a watcher despite your notification settings.

Image of the create tasks by email modal

If a user creates a task using email but doesn't have an associated ClickUp account in the Workspace, the List owner will be added as a Watcher. 

Email-created task details

Add task details using the email subject and body text. The following task details can be added when you send an email to a ClickUp List address:

Task detail Description
Task name The subject line of the email will be the task name.
Task description The body text of the email will be the task description. The sender's email address will also appear in the task description.

Use tags in the subject of your email to assign the task:

  • <assign me> assigns the task to the ClickUp user associated with the email address you are sending from.
  • <assign> assigns the task to the ClickUp user associated with the email address

Set multiple assignees by including more than one <assign> tag in the subject line.

Tags Use <tag ClickUp_tag_name> in the subject line to add one or multiple tags. If the tag doesn't exist, ClickUp automatically creates a new one.
Due Date

Use a tag in the subject line to set the task due date. You can use natural language to set the due date:

  • <due next Friday>
  • <due 20th of August 2021>

To set a due time, use the following syntax: <due mm/dd/yyyy at 2pm>.


Email attachments are added as attachments to the task. Images within the email body are also added as attachments to the task.

Due to AWS limitations, the combined size of all attachments per email must be less than 10 MB.

Created by The sender's email address is automatically added to the Created by field of the task.

Reset the email

To reset your personal email used to create a task:

  1. In your left Sidebar, hover over the List you want to create a task in.
  2. Click the ellipsis ... icon.
  3. Click Email to List.
  4. From the Create tasks by email modal, click Reset email address in the lower-left.

Add comments via email

To add a comment to a task via email:

  1. Open a task.
  2. At the top, click the ellipsis ... icon.
  3. Click Send email to task.

    Email addresses are unique to each user.

  4. Click Copy to copy the address for this task.
    • Check the Skip this modal and copy link every time checkbox to increase efficiency next time you add a comment via email.
  5. Create a new email and paste the task address into the recipient field. All text added to the email is included in the task comment.
  6. Once you send the email, the comment is created. A copy of the email is automatically added to the comment as an HTML attachment. The sender's email address is displayed on comments that are created via email. If the email matches a user in the Workspace, their Avatar and name will be shown.

When replying to a comment created via email, you get the choice to reply as a comment in ClickUp or send an email response using the Email ClickApp.

Reset the email

To reset your personal email used to add a comment:

  1. Open a task.
  2. At the top, click the ellipsis ... icon.
  3. Click Send email to task.
  4. From the Attach emails to this task modal, click Reset email address in the lower-left.

Add comments via notification emails

If you reply to ClickUp notification emails, your response is added as a comment to the task you received a notification about. A copy of the email is automatically added to the comment as an HTML attachment.

You must use the email address associated with your ClickUp account in order to reply to notifications.


If you are receiving an error message when attempting to create tasks or comments via email, ensure the email address has not been reset.

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