Archive Folders and Lists

Don't want an unused Folder or List cluttering up your Sidebar? Archive it. Archived Folders and Lists are fully searchable!

Archived Folders and Lists aren't visible in the Sidebar. They also are separated from hidden Folders and Lists, which are still active. You can permanently or temporarily restore archived items to the Sidebar.

What you'll need

  • You can archive Folders and Lists on all plans.

    • Archived Folders and Lists do not count toward your plan's limits. Take a look at Folder and List limits on our pricing page

  • Guests with edit or full permissions can archive Folders and Lists.

  • Only Workspace owners or admins can unarchive Folders and Lists.

Archive a Folder or List 

When you archive Folders and Lists, they're no longer visible in the Sidebar. All items in the Folder and List are preserved and searchable.

Changes made to archived tasks will still trigger notifications for all watchers. To stop receiving notifications, you can delete the task or remove yourself as a watcher.

To archive a Folder or List:

  1. From the Sidebar, hover over a Folder or List and click the ellipsis ... icon.

  2. Select Archive.

  3. From the Archive modal, click Archive.

  4. Your Folder or List is removed from the Sidebar and can be restored at any time.

Show archived Folders and Lists in the Sidebar

You can temporarily restore archived Folder or List to your Sidebar. This is helpful if you need to look at an item in the Folder or List or to use it to create a template.

To temporarily restore an archived Folder or List:

  1. In the Sidebar, hover over the Spaces section.

  2. Click the ellipsis ... menu.

  3. Enable Show archived.

    Screenshot highlighting the show archived toggle.png

  4. The archived Folder or List and all of its items will display in the Sidebar. Archived Folders and Lists are italicized and have an archived icon next to them.

    • To hide an item again from Sidebar Settings, select Hide archived.

Unarchive a Folder or List

If you find that you need an archived Folder or List, you can permanently unarchive it. 

To unarchive a Folder or List:

  1. In the Sidebar, hover over the Spaces section.

  2. Click the ellipsis ... menu.

  3. Enable Show archived.

  4. From the Sidebar, hover over the archived item and click the ellipsis ... icon.

  5. Click Unarchive.

Delete an archived Folder or List

To delete an archived Folder or List:

  1. In the Sidebar, hover over the Spaces section.

  2. Click the ellipsis ... menu.

  3. Enable Show archived.

  4. Hover over the archived Folder or List and click the x icon.
  5. Type the Folder or List name and click Delete.

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