Know exactly how long a task has been in any status and quickly find any tasks that might've fallen through the cracks using the Total time in Status ClickApp!
You can see Total time in Status data across your Workspace in List view, individual tasks, and cards on your Dashboards!
We've also made Total time in Status available with our API. Additionally, you can include Total time in Status information when exporting a List or Table view.
What you'll need
The Total time in Status ClickApp is available on the Business Plan and above.
Everyone, including guests, can see Total time in Status data in List view.
Guests with Edit or Full permissions can see Total time in Status data inside task modals.
Guests with the proper permissions can see Total time in Status Dashboard cards.
Enabling Total time in Status
Time-based cards display your tasks differently. Learn more about time-based cards.
To enable the Total time in Status ClickApp:
Click your Workspace avatar.
Select ClickApps.
Locate Total time in Status and toggle it on.
Total time in Status in List view
In List view, you can see Total time in Status data by clicking the square status indicators to the left of your task names.
You can also add a Total time in Status field to any Space, Folder, or List by clicking the + icon to the far right of your List view columns and selecting Total time in Status.
Total time in Status data resets if you rename the status.
This field displays the amount of time the task has spent in its current status.
Total time in Status data resets if you rename the status.
If your workflow allows tasks to move back and forth between statuses, this field reflects the time in status since the last status update.
For a full breakdown of time in status history including the total time spent in each status, click the Total time in Status field.
You can change the format displayed for a Total time in Status field between Hours, Days, or Date last updated:
Click the column header for Total time in Status.
Select a display format at the bottom of the dropdown menu.
This will now reflect in the field and when clicking in to see the summary of all statuses.
Show Time in Status in tasks
Open a task and click its status in the upper-left corner to show Time in Status for each status. This data appears to the right of each status.
Customize the way Time in Status data is displayed by clicking the ellipsis ... in the upper-right corner of the task status dropdown menu.
You have four formatting options to Show Time in Status:
Days: Display Time in Status data in days.
Hours: Display Time in Status data in hours.
Date updated: Display the date that the task entered each status.
None: Do not display Time in Status data in this dropdown menu.
The above formatting options are per-user and apply to all tasks in each Workspace. Each person can choose how they see Time in Status on tasks, and their preferences will apply to all tasks throughout the Workspace.
Create Total time in Status Dashboard cards
You can add a Total time in Status Dashboard card to any Dashboard.
Ensure the Total time in Status ClickApp is enabled.
Using the left sidebar, open a Dashboard.
Click + Add card in the upper-right corner.
Search for Total time in Status.
Customize your card and determine which Spaces, Folders, or Lists you'd like to view Total time in Status data for.
Click Add card in the lower-right.
Export Total time in Status data
You can export Total time in Status data from your List view!