Time Tracked in Dashboards

Use the Time Tracked data point to report on tasks like billing and Sprint planning. Time Tracked is available on Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Battery Chart Dashboard cards

You can also use Chart drill-down view to see all the tasks included in a chart!

What you'll need

  • The Time Tracking ClickApp must be enabled by a Workspace owner or admin to use this feature. 
    • Guests can use the Time Tracking ClickApp if an owner or admin gives them permission. 
  • Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Battery Chart cards are available on the Business Plan and above.

Enable time tracking 

The Time Tracking ClickApp is native to ClickUp. You can also use our time tracking API calls, or one of our Time tracking integrations.

The Time Tracking ClickApp must be enabled to use any time tracking method.

Use Time Tracked 

Use the data point Time Tracked in Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Battery Chart Dashboard cards.

For Bar Charts, Time Tracked can not be used with the x-axis value Time. 

To create a chart that reports tracked time: 

  1. Open an existing Dashboard or create a new Dashboard
  2. Add a Bar, Pie, or Battery Chart card.
  3. In the Chart modal's Y Axis or Value dropdown, select Time Tracked.
  4. Select the other data points and options.

For example with a Bar Chart, you could choose Assignee for the X Axis. Then add a card filter for tasks created in the last 7 days.

This would show you the time tracked on tasks for the selected assignees in the last week.

Screenshot of a Bar Chart where the Y Axis is Time Tracked and the X Axis is Assignee. The chart is filtered for tasks created in the last 7 days. Assignee A has 29 hours, 2 minutes tracked. Assignee J has 36 hours 45 minutes tracked.

If you click a data segment to display the Chart drill-down view, you'll see the tasks that the assignee tracked time on. For example, in a Bar Chart, you would click one of the bars to see that assignee's tasks.

Screenshot of the Bar Chart from above in drill-down view. The bar for assignee J is clicked and there's a panel to the right that lists all of J's tasks.

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