Lock your Sprint forecast

Forecast is the amount of work your team estimates per sprint. These settings are used by our new Velocity, Burnup, and Burndown cards to calculate your team's progress.

What you'll need

  • Sprints are available on every plan.

  • Sprint Automations and Sprint Dashboard cards are available on the Business Plan and above.

  • 100 uses of Sprint Points are available on our Free Forever and Unlimited Plans.

  • Unlimited Sprint Points are available on our Business Plan and above.

  • A Workspace owner or admin will need to enable the Sprints ClickApp.

  • Guests can work on tasks in sprints, just like regular tasks.

Sprint forecast

Your Sprint forecast is located in your Sprint List's location header. Learn more about all of the settings located in your Sprint's location header

Edit your lock forecast options

The options to lock your forecast are located in your Default Settings for Sprint Folders.
When you choose an option, you're selecting settings for all subsequent Sprints. You can change this option, but those changes will only apply to future Sprints.
By default, your forecast has the following setting:
Manually confirm Sprints to lock your forecast: Each Sprint's locked forecast is used to calculate values in your Burndown, Burnup, and Velocity charts. The forecast is estimated a sprint has started and the forecast hasn't been confirmed. It's recalculated accurately after you manually confirm forecast.
  • This is a good option if your team frequently does not complete sprint planning before your sprints start.
  • For example, your Sprints begin on Monday. Your team doesn't always complete sprint planning ahead of time. You're usually adding tasks and Sprint Points or Time Estimates on Monday. In this case, you'll want to manually lock your forecast because the total Sprint Points or Time Estimate are your forecast.
To edit the default forecast setting for your Workspace:
  1. From the Sprint ClickApp in your Workspace settings, click the Manage sprint settings link. 
  2. In the Default Settings for Sprint Folders modal, select the following setting:
    • Automatically lock forecast on the Sprint start day and time: Select this option to use the total Sprint Points or Time Estimate in your Sprint on the Start day and Start time.
    • Forecasted and guideline values are immediately calculated in your Burndown and Burnup charts.
    • Forecasted values are set for your Velocity charts. 

To edit the default setting for individual Sprint Folders:

  1. From your Sidebar, click the ellipsis ... next to your Sprint Folder.
  2. Select Folder settings, then Sprint Folder Settings.
  3. From the Default Settings for Sprints modal in the Settings section, select Sprint settings
  4. In the Advanced settings section, select Lock forecast for each Sprint on start day and start time. 

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