Time Estimates Rollup

With the Time Estimates Rollup turned on, you can make tasks display the sum of all time estimates from the parent task and any subtasks.

For example:

  • Task: 1 hour

  • Subtask: 1 hour

  • Another subtask: 30 minutes

The time shown on the task will be the sum: 2 hours 30 minutes.

Time Estimates Rollup works with Time Estimates per Assignee.

What you'll need

  • Time Estimates Rollup is available on every ClickUp Plan.

  • Individual guests can use Time Estimates if a Workspace owner or admin gives them permission.

Enable the Time Estimates Rollup ClickApp

Workspace owners and admins can enable the Time Estimates Rollup ClickApp for your Workspace.

  1. Click your Workspace avatar.

  2. Select ClickApps.

  3. Browse or search for the Time Estimates Rollup ClickApp.

  4. Click the Time Estimates Rollup ClickApp to enable it in your Workspace.

View Time Estimates Rollup on tasks

To see Time Estimates on an individual task:

  1. Open a task with subtasks that have Time Estimates.

  2. On the parent task, you'll see a total estimated time that includes the parent task and any subtasks.

  3. Click on the Time Estimate field to see the breakdown of Time Estimates between the parent task and subtasks.

  4. Each subtask displays its own individual Time Estimate.

See Time Estimates Rollup on views

You can add Time Estimates as a column or field on the following views.

  • List view

  • Calendar view

  • Table view

  • Gantt view

When showing subtasks separately in List view, tasks will not include rolled-up time estimates.

In List and Table views, you can use Column Calculations to show the sum, average, or range of time estimates for your tasks. The calculation will include rolled-up time estimates.

Time Estimates are not rolled up in Team and Workload views because each task and individual subtasks are treated separately to calculate capacity.


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