Sprint Burnup cards (Legacy)

A Burnup card is a Sprint card available in our Dashboard feature.

Sprint Cards are available on our Business Plan and above.

Our new Sprint Burnup cards offer improved accuracy and performance! Existing Sprint cards and legacy Burndown cards are still available.

Custom Sprint Durations cannot be used with legacy Sprint Dashboard cards. If you need to use Custom Sprint Durations with Sprint reporting cards, switch to our new Sprint Velocity, Burnup, and Burndown cards.

Burnup cards

This card lets you create a burnup chart, which is a visual representation of your project’s progress that highlights:

  • Work you’ve completed

  • Total project work

It’s an easy way for Agile project managers to track what’s been completed against their total scope of work.

Screenshot of a Burnup Card.

Y-axis: The grey line represents the total amount of work to do, reflected using Sprint Points on y-axis.

X-axis: The green line represents the total work that has been completed over time (shown on the x-axis).

Once all the work is done, the green line will intersect the grey line, signaling the end of the project.

If you add tasks to your project or Sprint, you will see an increase in the grey line representing total work to be done.

Add a Burnup Card

To add a Burnup card:

  1. Create a new or open an existing Dashboard.
  2. In the upper right corner, click + Add card
  3. From the left sidebar, select Sprints.
  4. Click the Burnup (legacy) card to add it to your Dashboard.
  5. In the upper right corner of the card, click the settings icon to edit card settings.

Options available for Burnup charts

Source: You can include Sprints, Lists, or tasks with either label or dropdown Custom Fields: 

  • Sprints: Select the Sprints available in your Workspace. You can select Current Sprint to include the current iteration.
  • Lists: Select the Lists, Folders, or entire Spaces.
  • Custom Fields: Select the label or dropdown Custom Fields.

Time range: Tasks within this timeframe will be included. If your source is Sprints, the dates will automatically align to the Sprints you've selected.

You can also specify the x-axis time scale of days, weeks, or months:

You can include data from the year, month, week, set a custom range of dates, or a rolling period between 1 and 365 days. Select a frequency by days, weeks, or months. 

Image of the time range settings modal and available choices

Learn more about the Time range and rolling period settings.

Amount of work: Choose one of the following ways to show the amount of work completed:

If you're using an amount of work that uses decimal points, then the value displayed on your Burnup card will round to the nearest whole number.

Include Subtasks: includes subtasks in the data

Include Archive: includes archived tasks in the data

Include Tasks in Multiple Lists: includes tasks in multiple Lists in the data.

This may be a helpful option if you use a backlog List and add tasks to each Sprint rather than having them live in each Sprint!

Task Filter: You can also filter for specific tasks.

You can access these settings by clicking the cog icon in the upper-right corner of your Burnup card.

Burnup cards allow you to see data from as early as August 2020.

Card options

Once your card is created, you can hover over it to reveal several options in the upper-right corner.

Your Dashboard must be in Edit mode to see all options.

Options include:

Card option Description
Refresh card Refresh the card's data immediately.
Settings Open the card settings to make changes.
Filters Filter the tasks shown on your card.
View in full screen View the card in full screen.
Elipsis ... menu

See the following options:

  • Duplicate
  • Show legend
  • Export as PDF, PNG, JPEG, SVG, or CSV
  • Delete card

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