Integrate Slack and ClickUp to:
Attach Slack messages to ClickUp tasks.
Create ClickUp tasks from Slack messages.
What you'll need
The integration with Slack is available on every ClickUp plan.
Guests cannot use the integration with Slack.
Attach Slack messages to tasks
The Slack message will be added to a ClickUp comment and styled as a quote with a link back to the original Slack comment.
From Slack, hover over a message and click the ellipsis ... menu.
If it is your first time creating a ClickUp task from Slack, select More message shortcuts.
Click Add comment to Task.
Search for and select a task.
- Optionally, select an assignee.
Click Add to submit the comment.
Create a ClickUp task from a Slack message
Learn how to create a ClickUp task from a Slack message.
Save Slack messages to your Notepad
Send messages directly to your Notepad for later reference!
From Slack, hover over a message and click the ellipsis ... menu.
If it is your first time creating a ClickUp task from Slack, select More message shortcuts.
Click Save to Notepad.
- A new note is created in your Notepad!