Preview Slack links in ClickUp

When Slack channel or message links are posted in ClickUp, they'll automatically expand in ClickUp to display helpful details.

What you'll need

Preview Slack links

You can preview Slack channels, messages, threads, thread replies, and forwarded messages in ClickUp tasks. Details vary for each preview type.

After you paste your first Slack link, you'll see a new Slack icon in the right sidebar of your Task view. You can click the Slack icon at any time to see every Slack link posted in the task.

Screenshot of the Slack icon in Task view sidebar.png

Previews are grouped by type. You can switch between grid and table layouts using the icons in the upper-right corner.

Channel previews

Channel previews display the following details:

  • Name
  • Workspace
  • Description
  • Topic
  • Number of members

Screenshot of a channel link preview.png

Message previews

Message previews display the following details:

  • Channel name
  • Message author's Slack username
  • Message content

Screenshot of a Slack message link preview.png

Thread previews

Thread previews display the following details:

  • Channel name
  • Number of replies
  • Message author's Slack username
  • Message content

Screenshot of a thread preview link (1).png

Thread reply previews

Thread reply message previews display the following details:

  • Channel name
  • Message author's Slack username
  • Message content

Screenshot of a thread reply link preview.png

Forwarded message previews

Forwarded message previews display the following details:

  • Original message author's Slack username
  • The sender's Slack username
  • Original message content

Screenshot of a forwarded message link preview.png

Link preview FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Slack previews.

Do Slack previews show images or videos?

No, previews only include text with markdown support.

What happens when I post a link to a private Slack channel?

The preview will display the following info about the private channel:

  • Name
  • Workspace
  • Privacy info
  • Number of members

What happens when I post a link to a private message?

People without access to a message or channel won't see the preview or its content. People with access will be able to see both.

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