Create and link ClickUp tasks from Zendesk tickets.
If you want to sync all ticket updates between ClickUp and Zendesk, read about our Zendesk Sync integration.
What you'll need
- The Zendesk integration is available on every ClickUp plan.
- Only Workspace owners and admins can manage integrations.
- Guests can't use the Zendesk integration.
- The Zendesk integration is only accessible through the Zendesk Marketplace.
Install the Zendesk integration
To install the integration:
- Open the Zendesk Marketplace.
- Search for and select ClickUp.
- Click Install.
- Use the dropdown menu to select your Zendesk account.
- Click Install.
- Open an existing ticket in Zendesk.
- In the upper-right corner, click Apps.
- Open the ClickUp Zendesk App.
- Follow the login instructions to link your Workspaces.
Link an existing task
Link one or multiple ClickUp tasks to a ticket to reference task status and ID. To link a task:
- In ClickUp's Zendesk App, click Attach to task under the Link tab.
- Search and select the task you want to link.
- Click Link task.
Once linked, hover over the task to open it in ClickUp or unlink it.
Create a new task
You can add ticket information to your tasks, set assignees, and set due dates within the ClickUp Zendesk App. To do so:
- In ClickUp's Zendesk App, open the New task tab.
- Click Add Ticket to copy ticket information to the task or write it in yourself.
- Click Create New Task to automatically create and link the task to the ticket.
View linked tasks in ClickUp
Tasks created or linked using the integration will also include a link back to the original Zendesk ticket.