Zendesk integration

Create and link ClickUp tasks from Zendesk tickets.

If you want to sync all ticket updates between ClickUp and Zendesk, read about our Zendesk Sync integration.

What you'll need

  • The Zendesk integration is available on every ClickUp plan.
  • Only Workspace owners and admins can manage integrations.
  • Guests can't use the Zendesk integration.
  • The Zendesk integration is only accessible through the Zendesk Marketplace.

Install the Zendesk integration

To install the integration:

  1. Open the Zendesk Marketplace.
  2. Search for and select ClickUp.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Use the dropdown menu to select your Zendesk account.
    Screenshot of the dropdown menu for choosing an account.png
  5. Click Install.
  6. Open an existing ticket in Zendesk.
  7. In the upper-right corner, click Apps.
  8. Open the ClickUp Zendesk App.
  9. Follow the login instructions to link your Workspaces.

Link an existing task

Link one or multiple ClickUp tasks to a ticket to reference task status and ID. To link a task:

  1. In ClickUp's Zendesk App, click Attach to task under the Link tab.
  2. Search and select the task you want to link.
  3. Click Link task.

Once linked, hover over the task to open it in ClickUp or unlink it.

Create a new task

You can add ticket information to your tasks, set assignees, and set due dates within the ClickUp Zendesk App. To do so:

  1. In ClickUp's Zendesk App, open the New task tab.
  2. Click Add Ticket to copy ticket information to the task or write it in yourself.
  3. Click Create New Task to automatically create and link the task to the ticket.

View linked tasks in ClickUp

Tasks created or linked using the integration will also include a link back to the original Zendesk ticket.

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