Export a CSV file with the names and info of all of the people invited to your Workspace.
What you'll need
- Exporting a list of people in your Workspace is available on the Enterprise Plan.
- Owners and admins can export a list of people.
Export a file of the people in your Workspace
To export the file:
- Click your Workspace avatar then select Manage users.
- In the upper-right corner, click Export.
- Click Download to download the CSV file.
The export includes the following information:
- User name
- User initials
- Description: The Description column fills with the text in the Title field of the person's Profile. The Title field is empty by default so the Description column may be empty.
- Role
- 1 = Workspace owner
- 2 = Workspace admin
- 3 = Workspace member
- 4 = Guest
- Timezone
- Date joined
- Needs to be converted from Unix time.
- Invited by
- Date invited
- Needs to be converted from Unix time.
- SMS 2FA status
- TOTP 2FA status
- Last active
- Country_ISO
- Country
- What Teams they are a part of