You can quickly duplicate tasks in your Workspace to prevent unnecessary work.
Duplicate a task
To duplicate a task:
Open the task you would like to duplicate.
Click the ellipsis ... in the upper-right.
Click Duplicate.
Choose a name for your new task
Choose what you want to include in the new task.
Select the Space, Folder, and List where the new task will be created.
Making changes to the duplicate task will not change the original task in any way.
How to duplicate multiple tasks at once
To copy multiple tasks at once, use the Bulk Action Toolbar and customize exactly what content you want copied over.
This works great, for example, if a client wants to copy visual assets in bulk to create different task IDs.
Or, if you have some tasks that are part of a project that needs to be changed slightly, but it doesn't happen often enough to warrant a template, simply copy what you need.