Manage your ClickUp AI conversations

Need to find a conversation you had with AI two weeks ago? Open your conversation history and search for it! This is especially helpful when you want to reuse a complex prompt. 

Take a look at our article, Write effective ClickUp AI prompts to learn more about prompting. 


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Open your AI conversation history

We save your entire conversation history. To open your conversation history with AI:

  1. In the lower-right corner of your screen or the toolbar, click the ClickUp AI icon.
  2. If the conversation sidebar isn't expanded, in the upper-left corner click the history icon.
    Screenshot of the conversation history sidebar highlighting the history icon.

 Manage your AI conversation history

Following are ways to use your conversation history: 

  • To search for a conversation, you can scroll. Or in the upper-right corner of the conversation sidebar click the search icon. 
  • To see the conversation date and time, hover over the conversation. 
  • To rename or delete the conversation, hover over the conversation and in the upper-right corner click the ellipsis ... icon. 
    Screenshot of the ellipsis ... menu open to the options Rename and Delete.
  • To see the conversation, click it. 

After opening your conversation, you can do the following:

  • Copy: Click Copy to paste the text of the conversation somewhere else. 
  • Prompt field: Ask AI something about this conversation, or start a new one. 
  • @mention: @mention people, tasks, Docs, Whiteboards, or Chats.

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