Rollup time tracking data in Lists and tasks

See the sum of all time tracked on tasks in a List, or the sum of all time tracked on subtasks in a parent task.

What you'll need

Rollup time tracked in a List

To see the sum of all time tracked on tasks in a List:

  1. From the Sidebar, hover over the List name and click the ellipsis ... icon.
  2. Select List Info.
  3. The total time tracked is displayed below the List name.Screenshot of List Info showing the sum of all time tracked for all tasks in the List.

Rollup time tracked in a task

Once the ClickApp is enabled, you can see the sum of all time tracked on subtasks in their parent tasks.

You can click the Track Time field to display the breakdown of time entries between subtasks and the task itself.

Screenshot of a task's time tracked with and without subtasks.png

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