Use Spaces Home

With Spaces Home, you can easily view, show, and hide all the available Spaces in your Workspace. 

Screenshot of Spaces Home.

What you'll need

Access Spaces Home

To open Spaces Home: 

  • Click View all Spaces in the Sidebar at the bottom of the Hierarchy. 
  • Or click the Spaces settings ellipsis ... and choose Manage Spaces. 

Image showing how to access Spaces Home using the ellipsis in the Sidebar

View Spaces

Hidden Spaces are displayed in the center of Spaces Home. Visible Spaces are displayed on the right.

By default, Spaces will be shown based on ClickUp recommendations, but you can change that using the sorting options. 

Sort Spaces

You can use the dropdown menu in the upper-left to choose a sorting option for the list of available Spaces. The sorting options include: 

  • Recommended: Prioritize Spaces that ClickUp recommends. 
  • Date created: View newly created Spaces first. 
  • Date updated: View recently updated Spaces first. 
  • Alphabetical: View Spaces based on alphabetical order. 

You can also use the search bar to quickly find the Space that you need.

Hide Spaces

To hide a Space: 

  1. Open Spaces Home.
  2. Under Visible Spaces, browse for the Space.
  3. Hover over the Space and click Hide.

Show Spaces

To show a hidden Space:

  1. Open Spaces Home.
  2. In the upper-right corner of a Space tile, click Show.
    Screenshot highlighting the show button next to a Space in Spaces Home.png

Create a Space

You can also create new Spaces from Spaces Home. 

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