Summarize threads using ClickUp AI on the mobile app

Summarize comments using ClickUp AI on mobile.

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Summarize threads from the Inbox

To summarize a comment thread from the Inbox:

  1. Tap any comment thread notification.
  2. Tap Summarize thread.

Screenshot of the Summarize thread button in an Inbox notification.png

Summarize task comment threads

To summarize a comment thread in a task:

  1. Tap the Activity tab in your task.
  2. Tap the AI icon to the right of a comment.

Screenshot of the AI icon in a task comment thread.png

Ask ClickUp AI follow-up questions

Re-prompt ClickUp AI by typing a related prompt or giving more direction:

  1. At the bottom of the thread summary, tap Tell AI what to do next.
  2. Type your prompt and press the send icon on the right.

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