Feature use limits
Some advanced features allow you to try them before upgrading your Workspace. If you've reached a limit on your current plan, you can upgrade at any time.
Any data you created will still be available. You'll just need to upgrade to continue using the feature.
Required Custom Fields are a separate feature only available on the Business Plan and above.
Custom Field uses
Custom Fields uses are counted the same way for all Custom Field types.
What counts as a use?
A use is counted each time you add a value to a Custom Field on a task.
For example, when setting the Dropdown Custom Field on a task will count as one use. Adding two labels to a Label Custom Field on a task will count as two uses.
What doesn't count as a use?
The following actions are not counted as a use:
- Adding new Custom Fields, or adding options to existing fields. We only count setting a value on a task.
- Linking tasks using Relationships.
- Linking tasks using Tasks Custom Fields.
What happens once I hit the limit?
Once you reach 60 uses on a Free Forever Plan Workspace, you:
- Can't add values to any Custom Fields including Relationships and Tasks Custom Fields.
- Can add and remove Custom Fields to your Workspace, Spaces, Folders, and Lists.
- Can clear existing Custom Field values on tasks, but you can't re-add values.